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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

State the facts

November 2, 1989

Recently your front page featured an article about a "black student" who was rescued from "five white males" by a "healthy muscular white male student." The article then went on to tell us how the black student's employer reacted. I think you left out...

Not a big deal

November 2, 1989

I've had it! I can't read another sentence without getting my thoughts down on paper. Before I go any further I want people to understand that I'm far from being prejudice. Guess what color my skin is? Everybody assumed white, right? Well, you're correct...

Not democratic

November 2, 1989

I find it quite ironic that Mr. Stocking should mention in his letter to the editor in the Oct. 27 issue of The Northern Star, "the apparent anti-democratic philosophy held by some pro-choicers." The words "anti-democratic" coming from the pen of a man...

Put alumni on the Board

November 2, 1989

At last it seems the Board of Regents is listening to what the Regency universities are saying. "We want our needs and concerns presented to the Board on a regular basis." This request is being met on one account, by allowing the three university presidents...

Protest illustrates tragedy

November 2, 1989

Although Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev might be leading some to believe the Soviets are interested in becoming more democratic, recent actions indicate otherwise. Gorbachev claims to want peace, but obviously not within his own country—unless socialist...

Law clarification

November 2, 1989

The front page article on Oct. 23 regarding enforcement of the state's immunization law, "Students late to complete records," might be misleading. Students who read this article might delay in submitting their immunization records to the University Health...

Don’t need him

November 2, 1989

This is in reply to Scott Stocking's letter (Oct. 27) concerning responsibility and abortion. First, he complains about some of the extreme arguments (orphans, rape, incest) of pro-choicers. Extreme they might be, but certainly worth some consideration....

911: Vote for saving lives

November 1, 1989

When DeKalb voters go to the polls next Tuesday for a general election, they again will face a referendum asking for their approval of a 911 emergency phone system in DeKalb County. It is difficult to understand why DeKalb County continues to lack a service...

Victory for beasts and man

November 1, 1989

In a world where the problems of greatest concern center around the homeless, the ill and the underprivileged, few would take the time to think about the world's wildlife. After all, we as humans have more important things to worry about, right? However,...

Listen and work together

October 31, 1989

In response to all of the recent campus tensions and confusions, it is great to see people getting together attempting to answer questions and clear up misunderstandings. Although almost 50 people attended an open forum last week between students and...

Support Chicago

October 31, 1989

The Bears, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox, Blackhawks, Power and Brusiers. What do all of these names have in common? Well, they are all Chicago sports teams. I feel that people who live in and around Chicago area should support and cheer for these teams. People...

Laws and ideals

October 31, 1989

I am writing in regard to a previous letter to the editor. First of all, my stepmother is black. She and her family are well-educated and definitely a true part of what I consider my family. I say this for I must take issue with a letter by a Ms. Tracy...