SA court needs cleaning

So, the Student Association has not done much for NIU students lately. But, what about one branch of this student government body—the SA Supreme Court?

How has the SA Supreme Court faired this semester? Things are a bit rocky.

Of course, there is that big issue, the one everybody thinks of first—those sneaky, elusive bylaws. It is atrocious that a judicial body like the SA Supreme Court would go any length of time, let alone a semester, not knowing whether it’s playing by the rules or not.

SA Senate Speaker John Fallon hit the nail on the head when he said the court’s “ignorance is pathetic.”

The latest issuse about whether the court should hear petitions only compounds the problems. Now that the justices have the bylaws in their posession, they should do whatever is necessary to avoid any further wrong-doings by obeying the bylaws.

If the court’s bylaws say they “shall” hear petitions, there is no question about what the court should do. And, of course, the justices should be accessible to SA members.

The court justices should take this time to familiarize themselves with their newly found bylaws. Once again, learn from the mistakes of this semester so they can be avoided next semester. The court should conduct its business in a professional manner and improve its relations with the SA.