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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

There are ways to solve heating disputes

November 9, 1989

Speaking from the bar Unmistakeable harbingers of winter are starting to appear around town. Drug stores are running anti-freeze sales, back pages of magazines are advertising clothes for pets and the local T-shirt emporiums are gearing up to sell "I...

Representation not ‘OK’

November 8, 1989

The Illinois Senate overlooked Gov. James Thompson's obvious lame duck mentality last week when they OK'd his new appointment to the Board of Regents.

Dave Murphy, board chairman of McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, will replace Harry Wellbank on the nine-member board. Although Murphy is probably well versed in the needs of community colleges, one must question his place on a board that governs three universities.

NIU, Illinois State University and Sangamon State University are three diverse schools in need of better representation on their often-maligned governing board. Murphy's contributions as a Regent, however valuable, might fail to address the more pressing issues the board faces.

Wellbank's abrupt, almost rude, dismissal has raised eyebrows on the Regency campuses among those who recall his polite cooperation with the universities when the schools firmly opposed recent policy changes and the larger issue of a separate governing board.

Thompson squandered his opportunity for a meaningful contribution to NIU's governing board by failing to address the Regents' insufficient representation. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until 1991 for another chance to instill fresh blood into the board—in the form of three new Regents—when three more members' terms expire.

well I know it works.

November 7, 1989

"Sauce" is pouring it on. Stacey Robinson, who wears jersey No. 7, turned in the seventh NIU 1,000-yard rushing season Saturday when he rushed for 138 yards in the Huskies' win over Southwestern Louisiana. In the process Robinson passed both Adam Dach...

Definitely racial

November 7, 1989

I am writing in response to the beating incident that took place the weekend of Oct. 20. I was insulted when I read about the attack of a black student. The next day I was told that the victim was a close friend of mine. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed...

Situation a little too cozy

November 7, 1989

In 1988, a book called "Profscam" did a little more than raise a few eyebrows on college campuses. The book tackled the issue of college professors doing little and getting a lot. obert Nisbet, professor emeritus at Columbia University, commented on the...

Editors control

November 7, 1989

In the Oct. 11 Star, there was a short news item, "NIU student battered." It gave a brief description of the people involved. It did not say what they wore, nor how tall they were, nor what their shoe size was, but it did say the color of their skin....

All potential life?

November 6, 1989

The pro-life movement is engaged in one of the most noble struggles I have ever seen here at NIU. The dedication that these good people have put into supporting the rights of unborn fetuses and embryos would be an inspiration to us all. I believe it is...

Players do care

November 6, 1989

In response to a letter written by Kathryn Haraldson, Jennifer Lenkszus and Kelly McInerney concerning the football team's behavior at the Homecoming pep rally, the opinions expressed by the aforementioned scholars are quite obviously uninformed and naive....

Constitution needs work

November 6, 1989

The events surrounding the recent re-instatement of Brian Subatich as the Student Association Community Affairs adviser brings only one concrete thought to mind: The SA needs to re-evaluate the effectiveness of their constitution and make some changes....

An ‘outright lie’

November 6, 1989

I am as outraged at Kelli Christiansen's column, "Stop reading now, every word is a lie," as I am with Greg Rivera's article "Many battle on abortion rights," about the Feminist Front-sponsored video "Abortion For Survival," and the responses and discussion...

Star fabricates

November 6, 1989

I should have stopped reading then—before Kelli Christiansens's column "Stop Reading now, every word is a lie," outraged me. The Star is well deserving of the "vicious attacks" it has recently received. I, like Marna Coldwater, often ask myself why...

It’s not drivers

November 6, 1989

For the past few weeks I have been reading many comments about minorities on campus who are being mistreated. One minority on campus that I have witnessed abuse against is the NIU Huskie Bus driver. Several times, I have seen pedestrians walk in front...