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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Put money where it belongs

November 3, 1989

They call the effort to halt the cocaine cartels in Colombia a "drug war." But, the war being "fought" is a losing effort with people in the country claiming the ineffectiveness of the battle is wearing thin on nerves and patience. The U.S. has sent roughly...

Government information is available to you

November 3, 1989

The public interest is served only when government operates in the open. It was with this central premise of representative government in mind that the U.S. Congress and innumerable state legislatures, including Illinois, have in recent years enacted...

Choose gender?

November 3, 1989

The Northern Star appropriately titled my previous letter "Be responsible." In that letter I said there were other issues I wanted to address regarding the abortion issue. Well, here's one of them: gender-selective abortion. Let's title this one "Be consistent."...

Appreciate work

November 3, 1989

On Oct. 27, I had the pleasure of watching the Black Theatre Workshop's opening performance of "The Lord's Will," a two-act production both written and directed by BTW's own Oscar P. Grant. I found the play to be very entertaining and downright touching...

Expand on SA movie clips

November 3, 1989

It is great to see the Student Association looking for new avenues in which to make students better aware of what they have to offer. However, the proposed movie clips might not be the most favorable way to go unless they use this idea to benefit all...

From Korea…

November 3, 1989

The vacant building of the American Cultural Center, now an abode of silence, reluctantly receives a visitor, unlocking two padlocks and an iron-barred gate; a strip of empty air is hung at the flagpole where the Star Spangled Banner had been fluttering...

Law clarification

November 2, 1989

The front page article on Oct. 23 regarding enforcement of the state's immunization law, "Students late to complete records," might be misleading. Students who read this article might delay in submitting their immunization records to the University Health...

Don’t need him

November 2, 1989

This is in reply to Scott Stocking's letter (Oct. 27) concerning responsibility and abortion. First, he complains about some of the extreme arguments (orphans, rape, incest) of pro-choicers. Extreme they might be, but certainly worth some consideration....

State the facts

November 2, 1989

Recently your front page featured an article about a "black student" who was rescued from "five white males" by a "healthy muscular white male student." The article then went on to tell us how the black student's employer reacted. I think you left out...

Not a big deal

November 2, 1989

I've had it! I can't read another sentence without getting my thoughts down on paper. Before I go any further I want people to understand that I'm far from being prejudice. Guess what color my skin is? Everybody assumed white, right? Well, you're correct...

Not democratic

November 2, 1989

I find it quite ironic that Mr. Stocking should mention in his letter to the editor in the Oct. 27 issue of The Northern Star, "the apparent anti-democratic philosophy held by some pro-choicers." The words "anti-democratic" coming from the pen of a man...

Put alumni on the Board

November 2, 1989

At last it seems the Board of Regents is listening to what the Regency universities are saying. "We want our needs and concerns presented to the Board on a regular basis." This request is being met on one account, by allowing the three university presidents...