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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Won’t hurt U.S. economy

October 2, 1989

No one likes to pay taxes, and no one likes to die. Above all, no one likes the rich folks out there getting a break on taxes. But wait a minute; hold the phone. Bar the door. With a reduction in capital gains taxes passed last week, many liberals are...

Student voice not heard

October 1, 1989

The Student Association's purpose is to represent all students at NIU. But, their recent actions in recommending Nick Valadez to fill the position of 7th Ward alderman with only a six person vote does not support this charge. The SA said they chose the...

A-Phi to help increase participation in events

By Michelle Isaacson | October 1, 1989

Alpha Phi sorority is trying to increase school spirit and participation in NIU athletics by sponsoring events with the athletic department. Dana Schmidt, Alpha Phi external public relations officer, said the sorority made an agreement with NIU's Intercollegiate...

Trash news hits ultimate low

October 1, 1989

What's it all about—Geraldo? Last week, Geraldo Rivera again tapped into his never-ending cesspool of inane television talk show garbage. It was difficult to believe, let alone stomach, the fact that an hour-long broadcast could be based on the social...

Way too big for his britches

September 28, 1989

It seems Dan Rostenkowski, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has let his position and his hunger for power go straight to his head. ostenkowski, a democratic representative from Illinois, is again at the center of another political...

Made her choice

September 28, 1989

This is in response to Miss Quilici's Sept. 26 column in The Northern Star. Miss Quilici made up a nice little story to show the "pro-choice" side of the issue. The tale involves a girl who is "victimized" by her birth control pills and she finds herself...

Rights denied?

September 28, 1989

After reading the story, "Fugitive sighted at NIU," which was the headline of the Sept. 13 edition of The Northern Star, I just had to respond. My first statement is, if the two girls who claimed that they saw Richard Church, could positively identify...

Real human life

September 28, 1989

I think it is ironic that the people who believe a woman has a right to an abortion call themselves pro-choice. A woman has many choices regarding motherhood. A woman has a choice whether or not she will have sex. If she chooses to have sex, she has a...

Use prevention

September 27, 1989

I told myself long ago that I would not fall victim to the pro-choice/pro-life debate. I, like everyone else in this country, have a fundamental right to my own belief system. Unfortunately, after reading Miss Vorreyer's reference to "pro-choice is cover...

Cut all U.S. chemical arms

September 27, 1989

President Bush announced Monday that because the world "has lived too long in the shadow of chemical warfare," the U.S. is prepared to eliminate 80 percent of its chemical weapons if the Soviet Union would do the same. The plan would call for the eventual...

Test can’t provide education

September 27, 1989

Think back for a minute. How many of you remember the four or five pages of facts that you most likely crammed the night before the dreaded and required NIU constitution test? Most of you probably don't remember a lot of the information on which you were...

Not valid reasons

September 27, 1989

As an ex-senator of the Student Association, as well as an ex-member of the Internal Affairs committee, I have heard a great number of paltry excuses from senators just like Mr. Greg Potts and Mr. Jon Markese. There is no excuse for missing the first...