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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Crime crackdown

November 15, 1988

Let's see if I've got this straight. Jack Potts, the homeless person who was to speak at the JLS meeting Oct. 27, had been charged with retail theft, had a warrent on file for his arrest and was a passenger in a stolen car when he was arrested before...

Could the developing attitude be apathetic?

November 15, 1988

Well, let's have some fun. I was going to write about the Student Association Senate, but that's boring, right? At least that's what SA Sen. Bill Kraemer seems to think since he reclined across a couple chairs and took a snooze during last week's meeting....

Whale rescue irony

November 15, 1988

What a nice story the rescue of the whales provided. Not only did it give us a chance to show that we really do care about our helpless friends, but also provided another opportunity to prove that we can cooperate with the Soviets. Doesn't it make us...

Prejudice must end

November 15, 1988

I realize Sean Noble's column of Oct. 27 was meant to be taken with some humor, but even in his light hearted manner he has shown a prejudice that needs to be ended. Phrases such as "...Godless Communists..." and "...pinkos..." are terribly narrow minded...

NIU lost a friend in Kummerfeldt

November 14, 1988

The NIU journalism department, The Northern Star and the entire NIU community lost a dear friend with the death of Irv Kummerfeldt this weekend. Kummerfeldt made many contributions to the university and journalism during his 27-year stay at NIU. Perhaps...

Equal representation essential

November 14, 1988

Once again the ugly head of racism has surfaced on the Northern Illinois University campus. This latest episode is most troubling in that instead of the overt predictable racism, we have been graced this time by the oft indistinguishable, highly deceptive...

Article misleading

November 14, 1988

The article in The Northern Star on Oct. 26 regarding travel costs reminded me of headlines in the National Enquirer. When I called Jill Stocker about the story, she explained to me that she did not write the headlines or even the lead paragraph in the...

Is a private bookstore really what we need?

November 14, 1988

The question of the day. Would you rather have the bookstore run by the university or a capitalist-pig infiltrated private firm? Let's look at the issues. The bookstore made $250,000 last year that went back into a bond revenue fund. This means the more...

Comment clarified

November 14, 1988

I am quoted in the Nov. 3 issue of the Star as saying that I was "furious that Regents (made LaTourette president) without consulting anyone with the university." I am writing to clarify the context and implication of this statement.

First, to reflect accurately my feelings, the statement should read Giles said he "was furious with the manner in which the Regents made the change of presidents." That is, my assertion of anger applied to when this incident happened over two years ago.

In addition, the focus of my anger was always how and not who. On that day, after receiving a request from the Board to be available as the elected representative of the NIU faculty for that meeting, I was kept waiting in a hotel lobby for over five hours and then informed of the Board's decisions. My anger was not because John LaTourette was chosen president, but because I do not consider being informed of actions after the fact to constitute meaningful consultation, or any consultation at all.

James R. Giles


English Department

Needs should be questioned

November 14, 1988

When service organizations at NIU run out of funds or start to lose money, the common solution is to raise student fees. The University Health Service has come up with something different. The health center provides 24-hour emergency medical service but...

Pay disconcerting

November 14, 1988

While the rest of the campus community reaps the "fruits of its labors" in terms of salary increases, there are two groups of employees which still have not received increases and which are operating under wages established in July 1986. These are the...

Column slant ironic

November 14, 1988

In the Oct. 25 issue of The Northern Star two stories gained my attention. The first was about yet another NIU student and two non-students killed as a result of alcohol abuse. The second, a column by Marianne Renner about student issues: "Does the alcohol...