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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

We never claimed to be perfect

December 6, 1988

Yes, The Northern Star does make mistakes. On Monday morning an irate and somewhat rude person who claimed to be a faculty member called the Star to point out what he thought was a blatant error. It seemed that a Star headline had used the word "tressel"...

‘Ride or stride’

December 6, 1988

Taking a ride or taking a stride. This statement accurately assesses the elevator situation for individuals living in the towers. It is absolutely ridiculous the way the elevators keep breaking down. Living on the upper floors, at times, can be very frustrating...

Fermilab valuable

December 6, 1988

As NIU faculty who do research at Fermilab, we feel that the negative impact on NIU due to the Texas siting of the Superconducting Supercollider will not be as great as the article in The Northern Star implies. Fermilab will continue to be the world's...

Forget one-third tuition policy

December 6, 1988

The Illinois Board of Higher Education today might vote to keep tuition at one-third the instructional cost of running the university. Officials at state universities, including NIU, have not followed the one-third rule because the State of Illinois has...

Reject censorship

December 6, 1988

Reading about Sigma Chi fraternity's current troubles the thought occurs to me, that NIU Vice President Jon Dalton and other officials may have overreacted. Sigma Chi's skit in blackface is widely agreed to have been in bad taste. Consequently some people...

Expose ineptness

December 6, 1988

The Nov. 13 episode of "60 Minutes" underscored a growing problem in America's educational system. One segment dealt with a Dartmouth University newspaper editor who, after a confrontation with a professor, was suspended from school for more than a year....

JLS keeps in touch

December 2, 1988

I am replying to Jamie Leighton's letter about the JLS being "out of touch." I came to NIU this year, and I didn't know anybody. I met a few people and then I joined the JLS. It's turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I was surprised...

Help, don’t argue

December 2, 1988

After three years at NIU, two of which I've spent studying at Diversions Lounge, I can say that one thing hasn't changed. And that is the presence of apparent homeless individuals that pursue their rest on the Diversions couches while students attempt...

Night shift needed

December 2, 1988

Over the past 2 1/2 months, I have seen many of the idiotic moves this college makes; the Clyde Wingfield situation, the firing of Martha Palmer, the increase in salaries of our president and Regents chancellor after a $125 increase (Oh, I'm sorry, Tuition...

Regents meeting: Safe is sorry

December 2, 1988

The one place with tighter security in Illinois than the Holmes Student Center yesterday only could have been Marion Federal Penitentiary. The difference, though, was that Marion's guards try to keep people in and NIU's University Police were trying to...

Editorial ignorance

December 2, 1988

Attention students of NIU, take caution when reading the editorials of The Northern Star. For once again, the Star's editorial board has shown its ignorance and stupidity. Regarding the editorial "SCOPA by any other name...", printed on Nov. 4, the board...

Martin takes KU athletic dept. job

December 2, 1988

Janelle Martin, NIU's assistant sports information director, recently resigned to accept an athletic administrative position at Kansas, her alma mater. Martin was named the administrative assistant and compliance auditor at Kansas. Her new responsibilities...