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Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Local censorship

October 19, 1988

Joelle McGinnis urges all of us to "Say no to censorship" in the Oct. 12 issue of The Northern Star. Ms. McGinnis also edits the editorial page for this newspaper, which includes the "Letters" section. On Sept. 26, a letter was sent to Ms. McGinnis in...

Reg stamp concern

October 19, 1988

I am writing in response to the remarks attributed to Student Regent Valadez in The Northern Star on Oct. 10 regarding my position on the "Reg Stamp" fraud issue. I agree 100 percent with Regent Valadez. 100 percent about resisting deletion of credit...

J-Fair program helps students

October 19, 1988

Students interested in journalism careers or a journalism major at NIU are invited to attend J-Fair, an informational program tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Reavis Hall room 210. J-Fair, sponsored by NIU's Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi,...

Column lacks logic

October 18, 1988

I am responding to the article—Oops! I mean column, written by, the oh so open-minded, Marianne Renner on Oct. 4. Get off the pedestal, on which you have placed yourself, honey and listen to what others have to say! Open your eyes Marianne. People on...

Council reviews ‘REG’ issue

October 18, 1988

University policies regarding the illegal class registration of more than 100 NIU students will be discussed at Wednesday's meeting of the University Council's Academic Policy Committee. The meeting will start at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in room 201 of Williston...

Trash can be a worthwhile cause

October 18, 1988

Saving aluminum cans, glass bottles and paper for recycling is a way to help protect the environment and even a way to make a little money. It's also something more people, such as college students, should pay closer attention to. Every year, more and...

Cartoon insulting

October 18, 1988

I have worked as a building service foreman for numerous years and have never worked with anyone who looks like the individual portrayed in the enclosed cartoon. My immediate response was, "we certainly are more intelligent than the cartoon depicts."...

Behavior appalling

October 18, 1988

I cannot express how appalled I am at The Northern Star's behavior towards the Math 101 issue. I happen to be a student in Ms. Ervin's class and was not aware of any student walkout until the Star brought it to my attention. I then thought, as a result...

Change takes time and effort

October 18, 1988

It can happen anywhere, any time. In Champaign it has happened 13 times since April and women at the University of Illinois are living in fear. Police believe one man is responsible for the string of rapes near the campus. They have a suspect but do not...

Candidate support

October 18, 1988

It has only been a few months since I graduated, but I have lived in DeKalb nearly all my life. For some locally elected positions, which are purely administrative, the most relevant information is the quality of the job done by the incumbent versus the...

Artwork complaints

October 18, 1988

ATROCIOUS! GROSS! ABOMINABLE! MONSTROSITY! These are the adjectives that come to my mind as I view the new "sculpture" which was plopped in the gorgeous park setting between Lowden and Altgeld Halls. Shouldn't there be some limit to what can be put in...

What happened to common sense?

October 18, 1988

I recently enjoyed the column written by Joelle McGinnis, which accurately argues against the use of warning labels. Legislators across this country have over-abused the use of warning labels, with a special thanks to our nation's hungry (yet not starving)...