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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Four NIU employers recipients of award

July 27, 1988

The DeKalb County Special Education Association (DCSEA) recently awarded NIU their "Employer of the Year" award for participation in their student work release program. The four employers from NIU who received special recognition for their work were Gary...

Quote misread

July 12, 1988

On June 16 an article appeared in the Chicago Tribune which quoted me as saying that the Regency Universities are "meat and potatoes schools (which) do a very good job at what they do." Understandably, this characterization has elicited a considerable...

Park plan needs swift action

July 12, 1988

If Gov. James Thompson gives the go ahead as pedicted, for the funding of a new reserach and development park, NIU just might find a silver lining in the state funding grey cloud. With the $1.2 million dollars the university is seeking from the state's...

No conflict of interest revealed in firm’s involvement with city

July 12, 1988

DeKalb County State's Attorney Philip DiMarizio found no conflict of interest in a DeKalb city employee's involvement with a local computer firm that conducted business with the city. "I find no evidence of criminal conduct," DiMarzio said July 8. "I'm...

All things aside,‘Arthur II’ is poor in comparison

By Lynn Hammarstrom | July 12, 1988

film critic Once, long ago, a film dealing with the advertures of an alcoholic millionaire was made. Th film was called "Arthur," and it was a charming, funny little offering starring Dudley Moore (a funny little offering in his own right) and Liza Minelli....

Are Soviets trying on new American image?

July 12, 1988

I had this prophetic dream a few months ago: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev asked President Reagan during May's Moscow summit for a dozen pairs of Levis 501 jeans ... wholesale. Gorbachev wanted them mailed directly to him from the American company to...

Nature stole memory but not relative’s love

July 6, 1988

She doesn't remember my name. Mother Nature stole her mind. Dear ole Mother Nature ensnared my grandma's mind and has been gnawing on her mentality ever since. Her wrinkles still crinkle when she smiles and says "I love you honey," but I know her mental...

No free lunches

April 1, 1988

Editor's note: Following are selected portions of a letter from NIU President John LaTourette to Lester W. Brann, Jr., President, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce ... Since Governor Thompson has already responded to your contention that natural revenue...

In your face people, I’ve had enough foolishness

April 1, 1988

I've had it. No turning back now. Your friendly neighborhood columnist is quitting, effective at the end of this week's episode. Of course, there will be a messy period of litigation as I force the Star to let me out of my contract. Unless, in some tacky...

Work on employment law before seeking job

April 1, 1988

The following discussion focuses on two areas of the employer-employee relationship where problems are commonplace: the prompt payment of wages and the payment of minimum wage and overtime pay. Other aspects of the law relating to employment, including...

Grammar important

April 1, 1988

I recently had the unexpected pleasure of being on the receiving end of a distribution of anti-racist literature. Some guy with long, black hair, a worn leather jacket and dark sunglasses (who could that have been?) handed me a pleasant piece titled,...

No skeletons here

April 1, 1988

In a recent column that appeared in The Northern Star, Mr. Wozniak reminded us how television evangelists have failed miserably. In a day when everything seems to be failing, including preachers and religion, it seems that there is nothing or no one we...