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Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

No skeletons here

April 1, 1988

In a recent column that appeared in The Northern Star, Mr. Wozniak reminded us how television evangelists have failed miserably. In a day when everything seems to be failing, including preachers and religion, it seems that there is nothing or no one we...

Tax increase good for city, university

April 1, 1988

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce deserves a bit of praise and some gentle prodding now they have realized higher education budget woes affect more than just NIU. Chamber members, such as President Tim Lehan, are at last coming to grips with the fact less...

Duke will win it all

April 1, 1988

I disagree with Dave Tuley on the NCAA Final Four outcome. Arizona "comatose"? C'mon! A team does not go 6-0 against Big Ten teams and 2-0 against the best of the ACC to reach the Final Four just to become comatose. I agree the match-up is a dandy, but...

Committed to all

March 30, 1988

I've had the opportunity to work with Paula Radtke this past year as a friend and fellow SA executive staff member. She has worked unceasingly for the interests of students in many areas this year, specifically on the issue of higher education funding....

Tower’s purpose

March 30, 1988

What effect does a new tower at the Holmes Student Center have on NIU? Is it supposed to impress the students and faculty or give some modern prestige to the campus? The school was courteous enough to ask us to vote on which tower design we liked best...

Political debate

March 30, 1988

A debate Wednesday at 9 p.m. will feature the presidents of NIU College Republicans and Young Democrats who will discuss U.S. involvement in Honduras, the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty, the government's role in supplying and financing education...

SA campaign flaws must be addressed

March 30, 1988

Remember to vote today in the Student Association executive elections, if you didn't yesterday. There is some validity to the opinion that those who do not cast ballots have no right to cast stones when decisions are made that they disagree with. This...

Accountability is what dept. needs

March 30, 1988

It was encouraging to read Jim Wozniak's column about the athletic department. Finally, someone is willing to ask the right questions and bring some issues into the open. The athletic department has started a fund-raising campaign sloganed "Share the...

Fair and objective

March 30, 1988

It has come to my attention some students believe that the current administration of the Student Association is filled with members who dress, act and look, not like the student body, but, the John Lennon Society. Fortunately, I believe my record of appointments...

No ‘name caller’

March 30, 1988

After sitting back and watching the Student Association presidential race turn into a name-calling extravaganza, I have noticed one candidate who has not resorted to this type of campaign—Paula Radtke. She has not needed to attack her opponents because...

Vitally important

March 30, 1988

I was disappointed to read the Star's endorsement for SA Treasurer. The endorsement was based on three "new" ideas: having the Finance Committee check how groups spend their funds, having a committee training seminar and encouraging groups to raise money....

The devil’s major?

March 30, 1988

We would like to call your attention to something very evil but something which has apparently gone unnoticed for years. We feel it is our duty to inform the public of this atrocity. The university has awarded the satanic symbol "666" to the Communicative...