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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A natural choice

March 30, 1988

Joe Annunzio's commitment to campus activities and students' rights make him the natural choice for SA president. Annunzio is an energetic and charismatic SA senator who has brought numerous speakers and fresh ideas to SA Senate meetings. Annunzio served...

Supports Radke

March 30, 1988

I wholeheartedly support the candidacy of Paula Radtke for Student Association president in today's election. As I have worked with Paula over the past two years, I have watched her become familiar with a wide variety of issues and actively work for the...

Committed to all

March 30, 1988

I've had the opportunity to work with Paula Radtke this past year as a friend and fellow SA executive staff member. She has worked unceasingly for the interests of students in many areas this year, specifically on the issue of higher education funding....

Tower’s purpose

March 30, 1988

What effect does a new tower at the Holmes Student Center have on NIU? Is it supposed to impress the students and faculty or give some modern prestige to the campus? The school was courteous enough to ask us to vote on which tower design we liked best...

NIU is ‘committeed out’ on ad hocs, task forces

March 29, 1988

NIU is confronted daily with different issues. Some of them require much thought and effort, such as academic programs, security policies in the bookstore and tuition increases. Others need little debate, such as which former bigwig deserves to have a...

Negative attitude

March 28, 1988

In response to the letter from David Pierce and Margaret Price on March 1, 1988: we would like to know if your article was a joke. You complain about the high cost of tuition, yet you want "low-rise dorms with Spanish-style roofs." Are you on drugs? Who...

Thunderbolt latest rage in ‘junk mail’

March 28, 1988

Most people have experienced to some degree the frustration of being subjected to receiving reams of "junk mail." Everything from sweepstakes entries requiring a purchase to enter—and which no one ever seems to win—to offers of cheap life insurance...

Forget baking cookies; let’s talk turbo engines

March 28, 1988

You know, it's not too unusual, in this happy, congenial world we live in, for two columnists at the same newspaper to have completely and utterly dissimilar opinions on the same topic. Such is the case that I am hereby faced with. Last Wednesday, my...

There is precedent

March 28, 1988

Recently, NIU's Latino student movement was told that there was no precedent for their demand for 50 percent student representation on the search committee looking for a permanent director for the Center for Latino and Latin American Studies. I would...

Eminent domain

March 25, 1988

A great deal of noise has been made over the infringement on individual rights by one or another foreign government. It is therefore important we do not overlook basic rights being waived aside here in DeKalb on what may become part of our campus. I refer...

Beith best for treasurer

March 25, 1988

It is important to note, when selecting a candidate for Student Association treasurer, the importance and magnitude of the office being contested. Each year, the SA allocates nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to various campus organizations....

Do you belive this one?

March 25, 1988

A sis to be named later Life rolls along on fuel such as this: Every time fate knocks on your door, garbage gets dumped on your porch. Then there comes a time when the Man who moves the pieces sends you a festival of wine and song. These rare events of...