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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Bliss committed to quality

March 25, 1988

Greg Bliss is the sole candidate for Student Association Vice President. Though not a particularly charismatic speaker, Bliss is very articulate and is considerably more informed on the issues than are some other candidates for executive offices. An SA...

Most crucial issue was left unsettled

March 25, 1988

The Board of Regents took some big steps toward sending the appropriate message to Springfield this week. However, their job is not finished, yet. The Regents discussed the issues of a tuition increase and a tax hike along with other orders of business....

Help prevent STDs

March 25, 1988

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are one of the most important health topics on the college campus today. The spread of AIDS and the serious incidence of chlamydia, herpes and gonorrhea make it imperative for students who are sexually active to be...

Eminent domain

March 25, 1988

A great deal of noise has been made over the infringement on individual rights by one or another foreign government. It is therefore important we do not overlook basic rights being waived aside here in DeKalb on what may become part of our campus. I refer...

Beith best for treasurer

March 25, 1988

It is important to note, when selecting a candidate for Student Association treasurer, the importance and magnitude of the office being contested. Each year, the SA allocates nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to various campus organizations....

Do you belive this one?

March 25, 1988

A sis to be named later Life rolls along on fuel such as this: Every time fate knocks on your door, garbage gets dumped on your porch. Then there comes a time when the Man who moves the pieces sends you a festival of wine and song. These rare events of...

Adoption is better

March 24, 1988

I am writing in response to Del Lawson's letter about "pro-choice" which recently ran in the Star. It is sad when a person can go to prison for breaking the egg of a bald eagle while an unborn child is murdered and the state pays for it. Alternatives...

Childishness can ruin a perfectly good cause

March 24, 1988

The first week after spring break is better than half-way over. Some will agree more time is still needed. Such an idea! A chance to spend free time in large blocks of hours instead of minutes collectively making an hour-or-so of free time for an entire...

Zero-funding unfair

March 24, 1988

On Feb. 3 the Advertising Club of NIU presented our budget to the Student Association Finance Committee for review. This was the first time that a budget request was submitted. The Finance Committee's final recommendation was to zero-fund the club. We...

Regents must take firm stand on hikes

March 24, 1988

NIU Student Regent Nick Valadez asked the Facilities and Finance Committee of the Board of Regents Wednesday to take a stand and "hold the line" on tuition for next year, or at least not to raise it beyond an adjustment for inflation. Earlier this week,...

Shattering common myths about the law

March 23, 1988

Sometimes, believing you know the law can cause more difficulties than realizing that you're foggy about your legal rights and responsibilities. What follows is a brief discussion of several subjects where misconceptions or myths about the law are common...

Male vs. female bonding: vive la petite difference!

March 23, 1988

Recently, after a girlfriend cancelled out on some plans we had made for a Saturday night (at the last minute, of course), I was given a rare opportunity a lot of women only dream about. After I sulked around the kitchen for a while, my fiance said, "You...