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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Try using dictionary

April 2, 1987

Larry Arnhart's letter of March 17 proves that one shouldn't talk about a subject he or she knows little about. Arnhart says that "female" suggests an appendage of a male. The Oxford English Dictionary (long considered the "Bible" of the English language)...

Suggests change

April 1, 1987

In response to Mr. Sullivan's letter: if you are in international relations, God help us. Your closed-minded attitude frightens me. Someone with your obvious prejudices is in the wrong field. I hope you find a different direction, for everyone's sake....

Fischer cares

March 31, 1987

Recently a student wrote to The Northern Star discussing SA President, Jim Fischer. Jim Fischer is one of the most intelligent people I have had the pleasure of working with. The writer stated the student regent vote was worked on in 1977, which is true,...

Buses necessary

March 31, 1987

I would like to take the time out to address this letter to the young lady who wrote the letter entitled "Take a walk!" in the March 24 issue. First of all, I want to ask Ms. Byrne what gives her the right to say who can and who cannot ride the buses,...

No joking matter

March 30, 1987

With regard to Professor Arnhardt's satirical (intentional?) letter about the use of non-sexist language, I would submit that while possessing an average sense of humor, I found nothing in his letter to be even slightly amusing. Language is used, among...

There for help

March 30, 1987

I was pleased to see the issue of suicide addressed in Laurie Johnson's column on March 26. This is, indeed, a pressing concern of our society which needs sensitive coverage. I would like to point out that the Counseling and Student Development (CSDC)...

Smoking & asbestos

March 27, 1987

In her recent commentary on invasion of privacy, Debra Fleischman brought up some interesting issues. However, she failed to point out the real reason why USG Corporation banned its employees from smoking. Although USG probably won't admit it, the smoking...

Getting involved

March 27, 1987

As a student here for the last three years, I have not been involved much. I feel bad about that and, with the new wave of student involvement, I have decided to start an organization. This new organization will be called "The Mark David Chapman Society." It will offer such activities as:

1. Letting everyone know when the CIA will be on campus recruiting, so we can all go and sign up for a job.

2. Sponsor a concert for the "Send Andy to the Chair" fund.

3. Organize marches to Pearl Vision, protesting the manufacture of round eyeglasses.

4. Require all John Lennon Society members to submit for drug testing.

5. Rant, rave, scream and whine about anything that absolutely no one else on campus gives a flying kite about.

If interested, just follow the guys and gals in black leather jackets carrying signs to my house and join up.

Kevin G. Sullivan

international relations

Ruling puts women at unfair advantage in hiring dilemmas

March 27, 1987

Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling on the status of hiring women over men for certain jobs was a step backward in eliminating sexism in the country. The court decided companies can hire a woman to a certain position instead of a better-qualified man without...

Who’s to blame?

March 27, 1987

I would like to respond to Phil Thennes (Mar. 23, 1987) concerning his accusation of being duped into signing a petition to fight racism by the International Committee Against Racism (INCAR). He should have read the petition and informed himself on INCAR...

Through thin and thick: Here’s to good friends

March 27, 1987

March has been a really bad month, hasn't it? Yes, Dan, it has. Some of us are ready to fast-forward through the commercials and get to April. But here's a thought: let's go back to December. Specifically, the week before Christmas. Anyone who is lucky...

Disappointment felt

March 27, 1987

Thursday, Feb. 19, Ambassador Designate to Burma Mr. Burton Levine presented his views on the future of Hong Kong post-1997 when the People's Republic of China will assume political control. Those who attended were treated to a well-articulated and informative...