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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star



President Donald Trump talks to reporters while visiting the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Monday. The cutting of multiple programs such as the Institute of Museum and Library Services is detrimental to the U.S. (Pool via AP)
The cutting of IMLS is detrimental to the U.S.
The word "Work" and a person relaxing sit beneath the words “Look Both Ways” and above the topic of the week. Should breaks be used to catch up on work or to relax? (Emily Beebe | Northern Star)
Look Both Ways: Use of breaks
A woman stands and looks at a movie poster. Assistant Opinion Editor Sofia Didenko argues that movie and TV show posters have a way of transcending their original purpose of marketing a movie. (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)
Movie posters should be appreciated more
A cartoon depicts students in various programs such as engineering and law. The Northern Star Editorial Board believes that NIU should better advertise their specialized programs. (Nicholas Rojas | Northern Star)
NIU’s programs deserve a bigger spotlight

Join the
conversation ...

A cartoon depicts a munchkin cat. Opinion Columnist Ethan Ernst argues that breeding munchkin cats should be illegal because of the genetic disorder that munchkin cats have. (Kaylee Rutherford | Northern Star)
Breeding munchkin cats is unethical

Cats are one of the most popular pets in America, partially because...

A cartoon depicts students and police on a Huskie Bus. The Northern Star Editorial Board argues the initiative to have police on buses may seem unnecessary, but is good for student safety. (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)
Editorial: Police on Huskie Buses is not harmful

The city of DeKalb received a $50,000 grant for a new initiative...

A graphic depicts a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a bird and a fish. What type of animal is the best to have as a pet? (Emily Beebe | Northern Star)
Poll: What type of animal is best to have as a pet?
A graphic depicts a person stressed, a stress meter, jumbled thoughts and a brain. Opinion Editor Emily Beebe argues that being moderately stressed is good, as long as it doesn't get out of control. (Emily Beebe | Northern Star)
Being stressed is good, within limits
A cartoon depicts a raised fist in honor of Black History Month. The Northern Star Editorial Board argues the celebration and education of Black history should be year round. (Kaylee Rutherford | Northern Star)
EDITORIAL: Celebrating Black history, culture does not end in February
A cartoon depicts a football player holding a football and running toward mountains. The Northern Star Editorial Board believes NIU's move to the Mountain West Conference has more pros than cons. (Georgie Fortuna | Northern Star)
Pros outweigh cons in football’s move to the Mountain West
