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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert departs the federal courthouse April 27, in Chicago, after his sentencing on federal banking charges which he pled guilty to last year. Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in prison.

University Council agrees to revoke speaker’s degree

By Alexander Chettiath | May 5, 2016

University Council unanimously approved to revoke the honorary law degree awarded to former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert at its meeting Wednesday.Hastert admitted to sexually abusing teenagers decades ago when he coached high school wrestling in...

Provost Lisa Freeman (left) addresses the crowd as NIU President Doug Baker stands by at the town hall meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room.

Feedback wanted on program prioritization reports to be released

By Alexander Chettiath | April 28, 2016

Provost Lisa Freeman (left) addresses the crowd as NIU President Doug Baker stands by at the town hall meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room.

NIU plans to receive $26.4M in state funds

By Alexander Chettiath | April 28, 2016

NIU expects to receive most of the $26.4 million in state funding by the start of May and the rest in June, said Alan Phillips, vice president for Administration and Finance.The $26.4 million is part of a bill that would provide state funding to four-year...

Faculty shows concern for program report mistakes

By Alexander Chettiath | April 28, 2016

Faculty Senate passed a motion addressing its concern on the public release of the program prioritization reports, and the potential for misunderstanding, at a meeting Wednesday.Program prioritization uses task forces to create reports that review 223...

Rachel Jacob, Student Association vice president-elect

Who Needs Feminism: Students post photos online to pledge feminism

By Alexander Chettiath | April 11, 2016

Senior psychology major Emma Durham

Matt Streb, administrative task force co-chair, (left) and George Slotsve, academic task force co-chair, discuss the progress of NIU’s program prioritization efforts at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Program prioritization task force increases meeting hours

By Alexander Chettiath | March 31, 2016

Matt Streb, administrative task force co-chair, (left) and George Slotsve, academic task force co-chair, discuss the progress of NIU’s program prioritization efforts at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Program prioritization task force open for students

By Alexander Chettiath | March 3, 2016

More than 50 students have applied for the volunteer program prioritization student task forces with the application going live Monday.Program prioritization, which began in 2014, uses task forces to create reports that review 223 academic programs and...

Provost Lisa Freeman addresses Faculty Senate on Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. NIU is looking to restructure how salaries are contracted for academic administrators to reduce cases of overpaid and underpaid administrators. The restructuring will allow for salaries to adjust and reflect job responsibilities at the time.

NIU to restructure salaries

By Alexander Chettiath | February 25, 2016

Provost Lisa Freeman addresses Faculty Senate on Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. NIU is looking to restructure how salaries are contracted for academic administrators to reduce cases of overpaid and underpaid administrators. The restructuring will allow for salaries to adjust and reflect job responsibilities at the time.

Moriah Tyler, junior political science major, was sworn in as a new Student Association Senator during the SA Senate meeting Sunday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Applicants wanted for SA student program prioritization task force

By Alexander Chettiath | February 1, 2016

The Student Association is currently accepting applications for positions on a program prioritization student task force.Program prioritization, which began in 2014 after a recommendation from the Higher Learning Commission, uses task forces to create...

The IHSA football championships’ economic impact on DeKalb was $800,000, which is $200,000 less than what was projected. The money came from indirect and direct speding on hotels, food, gas, facility rental, tent suppliers, catering and other services provided by people attending the event, said Debbie Armstrong, executive director of the DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

DeKalb falls short of projected $1M from IHSA championships

By Alexander Chettiath | February 1, 2016

By hosting the Illinois High School Association football state championships, $800,000 has been pumped into DeKalb County’s economy, $200,000 less than what was projected.The IHSA football championships, played on Nov. 27 and 28, consisted of the top...

Christopher Kurszewski, master electrician of the School of Theatre and Dance, cleans graffiti in the sound room of the Holmes Student Center, Diversions Lounge. The graffiti happened some time between Friday and Sunday, said NIU Spokesman Joe King.

Graffiti discovered inside Diversions Lounge

By Alexander Chettiath | January 28, 2016

Graffiti covers audio equipment in the Holmes Student Center, Diversions Lounge. Christopher Kurszewski, master electrician of the School of Theatre and Dance, said he estimates the damage to be around $300.