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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tutt leads Huskies by example

By Eddie Garcia | October 3, 2018

Sophomore distance runner Ashley Tutt’s selfless mentality opened up her opportunity for continued success, far beyond her career as a Huskie.Tutt, a lead-by-example competitor, is coming off a first year campaign, in which she earned the Mid-American...

Tutt becoming player to watch

By Jayce Eustice | March 5, 2018

Freshman distance runner Ashley Tutt is becoming someone to watch now and for many years to come.Tutt said she attributes a lot of her success this season to the confidence that has been instilled in her by her coaches and teammates.She performed well...

Track and Field takes third in Michigan

By Jayce Eustice | February 12, 2018

DeKALB — Junior jumper Jehvania Whyte continued to impress, as the Huskies took third place at the Grand Valley State University Big Meet Saturday in Allendale, Michigan.Whyte won the long jump with a final jump of 5.80 meters and took second in the...

Track and Field continues strong season

By Jayce Eustice | February 4, 2018

DeKALB — Another meet, another broken record for junior jumper Jehvania Whyte, as she jumped 12.74 meters in the triple jump Saturday at the Meyo Invitational. She broke her own school record for the fourth consecutive week.The Huskies faced off against...

Track and Field takes fifth at Notre Dame

By Jayce Eustice | January 22, 2018

DeKalb — The Track and Field team continued its season Saturday at the Notre Dame Invitational, where they competed against six other schools.“Two weeks into practice now after the break, and things are starting to click again,” Head Coach Connie...