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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SA launches #ProjectOrange to target domestic violence and sexual assault awareness

SA launches #ProjectOrange to target domestic violence and sexual assault awareness

By Sophia Mullowney | February 21, 2019

Junior hospitality major Tori McCracken (from left), senior nursing major Ariel Tate, freshman nursing major Starr Scott, Jameria Washington, freshman early education major, and junior hospitality major Tatyana Coleman pose for a picture in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room during the #ProjectOrange launch Tuesday.

Fill in the Blank: Send Silence Packing was…

By Northern Star Staff | October 7, 2018

Fill in the Blank…”Send Silence Packing was”Haley Galvin | Perspective Editor “Important and emotional” This movement is a very important message that really affected me. It was an abrupt wake up call for me about how many students have been...

Campus sexual assault needs more discussion

By Northern Star Editorial board | January 27, 2014

As the number of sexual assault cases continues to rise, NIU must improve how it makes students aware of sexual assault prevention on campus.A Thursday address from President Barack Obama illustrated a White House task force that spreads awareness of...

Dr. David Stovall of UIC speaks at "M.O.V.E: A think tank" a program hosted by the Center for Black Studies in Cavan Auditorium on Monday night. Stovall spoke about a number of topics including the history of segregation in Chicago, and the public education system.

Student organization hosts unity think tank

By Kia Clair | February 19, 2013

Man of Vision, Excellence and Empowerment (MOVE) hosted a think tank session to bring consciousness and awareness in the community to African Americans on Monday. The Reunification of the Black Community Reconnecting With and Moving Toward Our True Nature...

Dr. Emily Prieto

Non-profit looks to promote Latino culture

By Erin Kolb | February 19, 2013

Conexión Comunidad, 637 N. 11th St., is a DeKalb-based organization that aims to educate the Latino community and promote cultural awareness through art and dance. According to Kristina Garcia, board president of Conexión Comunidad, the organization...

We must do all we can to end human trafficking

We must do all we can to end human trafficking

By Nathan Fulkerson | March 21, 2011

Slavery never ended; it just put on a new face. There are an estimated 27 million people worldwide subjected to modern-day slavery, better known as human trafficking. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of NIU's Wesley Foundation and the Atheists, Agnostics...

DeKalb Police aim to prevent driving under the influence

By Northern Star staff | November 28, 2010

December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. In a DeKalb Police Department press release, the DeKalb County Violence Prevention Action Group is reminding everyone to make sure the right steps are being taken to avoid drinking and driving...

For breast cancer awareness, take action, not update Facebook statuses

By Katie Trusk | October 6, 2010

I like it disassembled and carried around in my pockets. Again, awareness has struck. I am now even more aware of the stupidity of others. On Monday I received a Facebook message from a friend explaining this year's viral campaign for breast cancer awareness....