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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Netflix home page shows a list of trending shows on a laptop screen. Lifestyle writer Jonathan Shelby gives his picks for what he's watching this weekend. (Northern Star File Photo)

Nostalgic 2000s shows, film to watch this weekend

By Jonathan Shelby, Lifestyle Editor | October 18, 2023

Finally, Friday is almost upon us, and you know what that means. Grab your popcorn and movie glasses, because it's showtime. “THE BATMAN” 2004 ANIMATED SERIES (NETFLIX) The Batman (2004) is an animated series that starts with our favorite caped...

Robert Pattinson to play Batman

By Parker Otto | June 7, 2019

On May 31, Robert Pattinson of “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” fame officially signed on to play the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the upcoming film “The Batman,” according to Variety. The film, scheduled to be released June 25, 2021, was originally...

A beginner’s guide to start reading comic books

By Parker Otto | January 31, 2019

Within the last 20 years, many comic books that were thought unfilmable have been given large budget blockbusters. Both well known superheroes like Batman and Captain America and obscure characters such as Ant-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy have...

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” was released Friday and stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman. The film’s actors seemed to really commit to their roles in the film, which led to an entertaining and action packed experience, according to columnist Alexis Malapitan.

Affleck, Cavill don’t disappoint in ‘Batman v Superman’ film

By Alexis Malapitan | March 28, 2016

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” was released Friday and stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman. The film’s actors seemed to really commit to their roles in the film, which led to an entertaining and action packed experience, according to columnist Alexis Malapitan.

Affleck has talent, looks for new Batman flick

By Josh Alfrey | August 26, 2013

Ben Affleck will serve justice in the role of Batman for Gotham City as we know it.Director Zack Snyder and writer David S. Goyer are in production of the “Man of Steel” sequel, which will feature Superman and Batman. Thursday, Warner Bros. Pictures...

‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’ sets the tone for superhero games

By David Stenger | April 15, 2013

Superheroes and villains fighting nonstop: Sounds a lot like everyday life in the DC universe. “Injustice: Gods Among Us” was released Tuesday for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U. It’s a fighting game made by Ed Boon, creator of “Mortal Kombat.”...

Spiderman and Batman face off this season

Spiderman and Batman face off this season

By Jen Weddle | October 28, 2012

Batman prowls Gotham. Spider-Man uses his spidey sense to defend New York City. Both are essential protectors, but is there one who is the ultimate superhero? The release of The Amazing Spider-Man DVD is just days away (Nov. 9, in fact), and The Dark...

Bane (Tom Hardy) and Batman (Christian Bale) fight in the streets of Gotham in The Dark Knight Rises.

This movie is real life

By Sarah Contreras | July 23, 2012

I never thought a superhero movie would make me feel as much as I felt this weekend. Ever since The Dark Knight, the second installment in director Christopher Nolan’s take on the Batman saga, hit theaters four years ago, fanboys and film lovers alike...

I’m pretty sure I can be the caped crusader, guys

By Kelly Bauer | July 16, 2012

Maybe it’s a little ridiculous to say I’m thinking about becoming the Batman. It’s just a thought, I swear. After all, what good can a girl with no upper arm strength and little money do in this world? Not a lot, it seems, despite what those inspirational...

Pit bull gains superhero persona

By Linze Griebenow | April 8, 2012

Bruce Wayne: Tamer of hearts, commander of street justice, sniffer of butts. He’s not quite the suave, hyper-vigilant master of mixed martial arts most of us grew up with. He’s my dog, and he’s a pit bull. Holy heartworm, Batman! From the moment...

The Egyptian Theatre in downtown DeKalb will play a major role for Huskies SEE DeKalb.

Huskies see DeKalb, Batman this week

By Chris Krapek | August 24, 2010

Huskies can explore downtown, take in a musical performance and even watch a movie on the big screen all for free Thursday. Huskies SEE DeKalb is a welcome event for new students and members of the community aimed to showcase what DeKalb has to offer...