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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Monsanto Protection Act goes too far

By Holly New | April 8, 2013

Not too long ago, President Barack Obama signed HR 933 into law. Deep within Title VII, deceptively entitled “General Provisions,” lies a single yet terrifying paragraph known as Section 735. This little tidbit of the law “effectively bars federal...

DeKalb can expect cold mornings throughout week

By Olivia Willoughby | April 10, 2012

Mother Nature seems to be back to her old shenanigans again. NIU Meteorologist Gilbert Sebenste said this week is going to be much colder than the last few weeks. “It’s going to be chilly and windy through Thursday, and we’ll be up in the 50s tomorrow,”...

Seed corporation is a bully in court

July 12, 2011

In 1901, John F. Queeny decided to start a business that would manufacture artificial sweetener. Queeny named his company Monsanto, after his wife. Today, over a hundred years later, this Fortune 500 company has over 30,000 employees and over 500 facilities...