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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Grady lawsuit gathering evidence before motion filing

By Alexander Chettiath | March 10, 2016

The unlawful termination case brought against NIU by Don Grady, former NIU police chief, may be completed with obtaining evidence within 60 days.In 2013, Grady was fired due to the NIU Police Department’s alleged mishandling of a criminal sexual assault...

Nicklas a model for NIU admin

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 3, 2014

Administrators should aim to have qualities similar to Bill Nicklas, former vice president of Operations and Community Relations: commitment to the student body and support for the community.Nicklas went above and beyond what was expected for an administrator...

Letter to the Editor: SA does not cater to black community

By Brian Troutman | April 13, 2014

The recent controversy over funding the Black Student Union is representative of the Student Association Senate’s issues with race.Currently, there are no black students in the Senate leadership. In my years in the SA, I have never seen a black speaker,...

Baker change could lead to future abuses

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 3, 2014

NIU President Doug Baker made some bold and slightly worrisome administrative announcements Friday.The Editorial Board applauds Baker’s efforts to clean up inefficiencies and save money; however, the consolidation of duties under Bill Nicklas, vice...

CIO in, VPs out in Baker’s changes

By Kelly Bauer | March 3, 2014

NIU welcomed CIO Brett Coryell in the same breath as it announced two vice presidents would no longer work at NIU, the news coming in a Friday address from NIU President Doug Baker.The changes are part of Baker’s efforts to root out inefficiencies to...

Donald Grady

Grady sues for job, citing discrimination

By Kelly Bauer | February 20, 2014

Don Grady, the NIU Police Department’s former chief, wants his job back with a public apology from the university, back pay and damages.Grady has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Board of Trustees and former NIU President John Peters, among...

Deputy police chief placed on paid leave as state police investigate

Deputy police chief placed on paid leave as state police investigate

By Kelly Bauer | February 18, 2014

Darren Mitchell, NIU’s deputy police chief, has been placed on paid administrative leave as the Illinois state police investigate a potential “discrepancy” in his work.NIU Police Chief Tom Phillips said he “came across some discrepancies” late...

Editorial: Expectations for Phillips

By Northern Star Editorial Board | September 17, 2013

A call for change is one thing NIU’s new police chief needs to hear. He says he’s already on it.The point that NIU needs change has been made since before the scandal-plagued departure of former chief Don Grady. It was made before FBI agents invaded...

Campus Police

NIU names new police chief

By Kelly Bauer | August 28, 2013

Tom Phillips will be NIU's new chief of police starting Sept. 16.Phillips, who was not available to comment Wednesday, was a deputy chief at the University of Chicago Police Department. He will be introduced to the Board of Trustees as its meeting Thursday....

First responders helped bring NIU, DeKalb communities together

By Joe Palmer | February 14, 2013

Ryanne Mace would be 24 years old today and Julianna Gehant would be 37. Catalina Garcia, Gayle Dubowski and Daniel Parmenter would be 25. Their stories and their lives have been chronicled, cherished and shared over the past five years. This time has...

Campbell files request for state PD to investigate NIU Police Department, chief

Campbell files request for state PD to investigate NIU Police Department, chief

By Northern Star Staff | November 5, 2012

DeKalb County state’s attorney Clay Campbell has formally requested an investigation of the NIU Police Department and NIU Police Chief Donald Grady. Campbell’s office requested the investigation be led by the Illinois State Police (ISP) and for the...