Grady lawsuit gathering evidence before motion filing
By Alexander Chettiath
| March 10, 2016
Nicklas a model for NIU admin
By Northern Star Editorial Board
| November 3, 2014
Letter to the Editor: SA does not cater to black community
By Brian Troutman
| April 13, 2014
Baker change could lead to future abuses
By Northern Star Editorial Board
| March 3, 2014
CIO in, VPs out in Baker’s changes
By Kelly Bauer
| March 3, 2014

Grady sues for job, citing discrimination
By Kelly Bauer
| February 20, 2014

Deputy police chief placed on paid leave as state police investigate
By Kelly Bauer
| February 18, 2014
Editorial: Expectations for Phillips
By Northern Star Editorial Board
| September 17, 2013

NIU names new police chief
By Kelly Bauer
| August 28, 2013
First responders helped bring NIU, DeKalb communities together
By Joe Palmer
| February 14, 2013