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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, in Eau Claire, Wis. 

Campus respond’s to Trump’s victory

By Julia Martinez, Sam Malone, and Madison Kacer | November 10, 2016

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump beat out Secretary Hillary Clinton with polls showing 279 electoral votes to her 228 electoral votes, according to the New York Times. Students reacted across campus to Trump’s victory following Election...

Donald Trump wins presidency

By Northern Star staff | November 9, 2016

Correction: The Northern Star mistakenly reported President-elect Donald Trump won 218 electoral votes. However, he won 228 votes.DeKALB | Donald Trump will take his seat in the White House as the 45th president of the United States.The Republican presidential...

Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cheer as they watch election returns during an election night rally Tuesday in New York.

Election: Northern Star post-election guide

By Northern Star staff | November 8, 2016

Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cheer as they watch election returns during an election night rally Tuesday in New York.

Election: Trump needs more than Florida to win

By Northern Star staff | November 8, 2016

Political Science Professor Matthew Streb thinks Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton doesn't need to worry if she doesn't get Florida's electoral votes."Everyone is focused on Florida, and Florida's great; Florida's important, but Hillary...

Election: Millennials matter

Election: Millennials matter

By Northern Star staff | November 7, 2016

"I'm a democrat, so I plan to vote for Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump is not president material," said Brenda Herrera, junior psychology and family and child studies major. "He's very ignorant with all the issues he talks about, but Hillary has experience with her husband being president, and although [she] has had a rocky reputation, [she] still has more political experience than Trump."

Opinion: Sexual acts need consent

By Ian Tancun | November 7, 2016

Further education and increased awareness on sexual assault, and language that promotes it, is needed to end this unacceptable and illegal behavior many individuals continue to be victims of.In 2005, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke...

InFocus: What stands out this election?

By Perspective Staff | November 3, 2016

Kristen AdamsColumnistWhat has stood out throughout this presidential election, compared to other elections, is the public concern with national security and foreign policy. Foreign policies and national security are more important to voters in many ways...

Students should not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Northern Star rejects Trump for presidency

By Northern Star editorial board | October 31, 2016

Students should not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Libertarian candidate for president Gary Johnson delivers remarks at Liberty University Oct. 17 in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Students seek presidential candidate alternatives

By Clarissa Hinshaw | October 24, 2016

Libertarian candidate for president Gary Johnson delivers remarks at Liberty University Oct. 17 in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Election: Students vote for honesty

By Clarissa Hinshaw | October 20, 2016

DeKALB | Some students have decided to vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to keep Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton out of office, even though they do not completely agree with Trump’s platforms.Students who plan to vote for...

Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein takes questions from reporters during a campaign stop Oct. 6 at Humanist Hall in Oakland, California. Stein hopes to woo disaffected Democrats, according to her campaign website.

Election: Students shift to Clinton

By Clarissa Hinshaw | October 17, 2016

Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein takes questions from reporters during a campaign stop Oct. 6 at Humanist Hall in Oakland, California. Stein hopes to woo disaffected Democrats, according to her campaign website.