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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

March 29 will see Scottish rockers The Red Hot Chili Pipers return to The Egyptian Theatre to play a rousing combination of Scottish folk music and rock and roll.

Upcoming Egyptian Theatre Events: March 15-31

By Northern Star Entertainment Staff | March 15, 2019

March 29 will see Scottish rockers The Red Hot Chili Pipers return to The Egyptian Theatre to play a rousing combination of Scottish folk music and rock and roll.

Members of Zeta Phi Beta and participants at the Aids walk in 2005.

Weekend Guide Sept. 24

By Northern Star staff | September 24, 2015

Don’t let the heat keep you inside because there are a lot of cool things to do this weekend.TodayFormer Fairdale resident Joe Wiegand will perform “The Teddy Roosevelt Show” at 7 p.m. at Sycamore Highschool, 555 Spartan Trail in Sycamore. The show...

New House owners a fresh start for venue

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 21, 2013

The Editorial Board has high hopes for The House Cafe’s new ownership.The House, 263 E. Lincoln Highway, was purchased by Anthony Solario, Lisa Cowley and Corey Twombly in October.The House has always provided a sense of community that’s unlike that...

Gaelic Storm to bring Celtic music to the Egyptian Theatre

By Deanna Frances | February 13, 2013

Some say “old” music is becoming a lost art. These music types include classical, folk and Celtic. Of course, for music sensation Gaelic Storm, Celtic music is a way of life. Gaelic Storm, a Celtic-based music group that has been around since the...

Chamber of commerce discusses greek row safety issues, success of Re:New DeKalb and Egyption Theater renovation plans

By Jason Pfrommer | July 25, 2011

DeKALB | Members at a meeting of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Tuesday addressed economic and aesthetic improvements to the city and safety concerns. Safety Overgrown trees blocking street lights could be causing a safety risk for pedestrians in DeKalb....

DeKalb’s weekender’s list: April 8

By Chris Krapek | April 7, 2011

DeKALB | So you’re probably thinking you want to get out of here this weekend. Another incident means more hysteria which means more people saying “Why did I even come here?” That’s not without reason, but DeKalb is not the apocalyptic wasteland...

Jerry Burnes | Northern Star
Monica O'Leary, seventh ward almerdman candidate, speaks with DeKalb Mayor Kris Povlsen Wednesday night at Meet the Candidates at the Egyptian Theatre.

Fiscal responsibility main focus of Meet the Candidates night

March 30, 2011

Fiscal responsibility was the key issue being questioned by citizens to candidates of the DeKalb aldermanic and the Kishwaukee College Trustees races Wednesday night. The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce hosted the Meet the Candidates Night at the Egyptian...

Gaelic Storm is an Irish folk rock band that has traveled across the country. They are playing on Friday at the Egyptian Theater.

Catching up with Steve Twigger from Gaelic Storm

By Chris Krapek | February 17, 2011

DeKALB | A storm will hit DeKalb tonight. Gaelic Storm will perform at 8 p.m. at The Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St. Tickets range from $30-37. The folk rock group has been playing across America for the last 15 years. In 1997, they appeared as a...

DeKalb plans new welcome event

By Emily Goins | August 19, 2010

DeKALB | The DeKalb community and NIU are teaming up to put on a one-day welcome event for students new to the area.Huskies SEE DeKalb will take place Thursday Aug. 26 from 3 to 8 p.m. in downtown DeKalb."This is a first-time event put on to show off...