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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Food could be the newest fashion statement or faux pas

By Amanda Shaffer | October 5, 2011

In a world where brand names can rule the world, could your lunch be your newest accessory? Some say yes.English professor Sean Shesgreen said food draws a great amount of fashion interest."[The] interest...shifts in focus and intensity," Shesgreen said....

Freshman English major Hantac Chang grabs a piece of fruit while
going through the line in Dog Pound Deli in Douglas Hall.

Pest control: Insects move indoors as winter weather creeps closer

By Andrea Azzo | September 26, 2011

Students eating at cafeterias on campus may have noticed flies buzzing around their food. This problem persists as temperatures drop and fall arrives, said Richard Fritz, residential dining director for Housing and Dining. Fritz said it's a challenge...

Guest Column: Buying organically-grown food is good for you and the environment

By MELISSA BURLINGAME | September 25, 2011

What is organically-grown food? Organic growing practices are farming methods to control pests and retain soil nutrients that exclude the use of manufactured (the key word!) pesticides, fertilizers, or other additives to regulate growth, and include other...

To cook or not to cook: Students dish on the merits of making their own cuisine

By Shelby Devitt | September 13, 2011

Kevin Schwartz cannot cook."I tried," the sophomore mechanical engineering major said. "My girlfriend was visiting, so I decided to buy steaks and tried to cook them on the George Foreman. It was a disaster."Living away from home for the first time can...

Surviving Black Friday

Surviving Black Friday

By Eric Titus | November 22, 2010

As we near the end of our school year, we approach Thanksgiving, when students go home, meet with family and loved ones, and eat excessive amounts of food. It is a great holiday, and is usually followed up by the monstrous sale event dubbed "Black Friday,"...

What not to do while on Thanksgiving break

What not to do while on Thanksgiving break

By Portia Kerr-Newman | November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving, minus all the Pilgrim stuff, is about family tradition, spending time with your loved ones, eating some good food and, of course, football. Students get a few days to relax and take a break from school. Some take full advantage of the perks...

Dorm food not so appetizing

Dorm food not so appetizing

By Portia Kerr-Newman | November 16, 2010

Most students who live on campus can relate to having a meal plan for dining in the residence halls.This year was my first year having a meal plan in my three years of college. My first week of school I was happy to see all the selections I could choose...

Websites offer services to make ordering food easier

By Jalen Cobb | November 10, 2010

Students are able to order food online and soon through their mobile devices thanks to websites such as Campus Special and Student Media Group. These coupons can be used online to order food and have it delivered to the desired location. Companies such...