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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

‘Deadly Premonition’ is a cult classic

By David Stenger | May 1, 2013

Who said cult classics only had to be movies? “Deadly Premonition” is a psychological horror game that also has an open-world aspect. The director’s cut was released Tuesday as an exclusive on the PS3. It’s a strange game with aspects that are...

‘Bioshock: Infinite’ game adds excitement to series

By David Stenger | April 3, 2013

Nothing feels better than flying through the air and throwing down fireballs at enemies. “Bioshock Infinite” is a first-person shooter with RPG elements. Players get to take the main characters around the flying city, Columbia. It’s 1912 and Booker...

‘Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon’ game adds excitement to sequel

By David Stenger | April 2, 2013

It turns out plumbers not only save princesses: They’re also ghostbusters. “Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon” for the Nintendo 3DS is a sequel to the original “Luigi’s Mansion.” The game starts off with brilliant--perhaps crazy--Professor E. Gadd...

‘PokémonMMO’ will excite Pokéfans

By Patrick Pastrana | March 27, 2013

Pokémon and beloved characters like Charizard have evolved into an online multiplayer form. Back in the day, Pokémon lovers found themselves spending dozens of hours catching, battling and training their Pokémon to become the greatest of all. As technology...

‘South Park’ game brings perfect mix of comedy and entertainment

By Jen Weddle | February 27, 2013

The fourth graders of South Park Elementary are still trying to be the coolest kids on the playground. This time, they come to us in a completely different form: A new role-playing game called “South Park: The Stick of Truth” will be released March...

Healing injuries in club sports can get creative

By Korey Peterson | November 29, 2010

Injuries are an inevitable part of the sports world. Athletes from pee wee to professional leagues use their bodies for competition, making these injury risks unavoidable. As players get older, faster, bigger and stronger, injuries become regular, if...