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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

History of the week: NIU receives OK to purchase new computer system

By Northern Star staff | September 28, 2016

NIU officials received approval to spend roughly $2.28 million during the next five years to upgrade the school's computer systems, according to a Sept. 28, 1984 Northern Star article.The computers were to have been obtained through a five-year purchase...

History of the Week: Communications has new emphasis

By Northern Star staff | August 31, 2016

The Communications department added a Corporate Communications emphasis due to the loss of the advertising emphasis in the Journalism department, according to an August 30, 1985 Northern Star Article.Journalism Department Chairman Irv Kummerfeldt removed...

Mark Charipar and Patrick Olchawa were arrested for trying to open car doors on N. Annie Glidden Road when an assault occurred during their booking. 

History of the Week: DeKalb Police officer attacked during booking

By Northern Star staff | May 5, 2016

Mark Charipar and Patrick Olchawa were arrested for trying to open car doors on N. Annie Glidden Road when an assault occurred during their booking. 

Starbusters, 930 Pappas Drive, sat vacant until the business was purchased by three business people who converted the location into another bar, Rosy's Roadhouse. 

History of the Week: Starbusters gone bust

By Northern Star staff | April 29, 2016

Starbusters, 930 Pappas Drive, sat vacant until the business was purchased by three business people who converted the location into another bar, Rosy's Roadhouse. 

History of the Week: Grant, Neptune acquire CAs

By Northern Star staff | April 20, 2016

Grant Towers and Neptune Hall upgraded their community adviser count to two people per floor, according to an April 20, 2010, Northern Star article.Michael Stang, former executive director of Housing and Dining, said Grant and Neptune had too many students...

History of the Week: Fire strikes Amber Manor

By Northern Star staff | April 13, 2016

Six apartments were damaged and three were injured in an accidental fire that took place on the afternoon of April 16, 2009. The fire caused $30,000 worth of damage to the Amber Manor Apartments, 833 Ridge Drive.At 3:30 p.m. April 16, 2009, DeKalb firefighters...

Agina Nelson (right), then-senior human resource management major and The Trident employee, waits on Melissa Runquist, then-senior finance major. 

History of the Week: Trustees propose Dining Dollars elimination

By Northern Star staff | February 24, 2016

Agina Nelson (right), then-senior human resource management major and The Trident employee, waits on Melissa Runquist, then-senior finance major. 

Residence hall students participate in a photo poll giving their opinion on the security door alarms.

History of the Week: Students adapt to security doors

By Northern Star staff | February 17, 2016

Residence hall students participate in a photo poll giving their opinion on the security door alarms.

Douglas Hall residents protest the residence hall's weekend food service policy in a photo published in the Northern Star on Jan. 26, 1976.

History of the Week: Students hold protest for closed dining hall

By Northern Star staff | January 27, 2016

Douglas Hall residents protest the residence hall's weekend food service policy in a photo published in the Northern Star on Jan. 26, 1976.