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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Alpha Sigma Phi house sits at 928 W. Hillcrest Drive on an overcast day. Rush, the fraternity recruitment process, began on Monday. (Brynn Krug | Northern Star)

Fraternity rush starts now

By Brynn Krug, Editor in Chief | August 29, 2024

EDITOR’S NOTE: This video is part 1 in a series about Greek Life. We will cover the Panhellenic, Divine 9 and Multicultural Greek Councils.  Greek Life is a staple of student involvement at most colleges, and NIU is no exception. Arguably the most...

Seven Phi Kappa Psi members push off of their trench to resist the tug on the other side of a rope during practice at their fraternity house at 1020 W. Hillcrest Drive. The Interfraternity Council is set to host the 2024 IFC Men's Tugs event starting Monday at 4:30 p.m. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

2024 tugs tourney kicks off Monday

By Skyler Kisellus, Senior Sports Reporter | April 15, 2024

DeKALB – Months of preparation filled with late-night, rope-tugging practices have led to this moment.  On Monday, the Interfraternity Council will begin hosting the Men’s 2024 IFC Tugs tournament in the heart of the Greek Row neighborhood at...

One of two properties that the fraternity Sigma Alpha Mu, or Sammys, operates within on a snowy day on Greenbrier Road in the Greek Row neighborhood. Sammys has been in operation with support from the fraternity’s national chapter for the past five years, despite being unrecognized by NIU in 2018. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

‘Sammys’ fraternity seeks return to good standing

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | January 28, 2023

DeKALB – Spring semester brings new change as the Gamma Lambda chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, colloquially known as “Sammys,” begins the process of returning to good standing under the leadership of new president Farzeen Ansari. The...

Members of Phi Sigma Kappa tug in the championship match April 26. Phi Sigma Kappa defeated Sigma Alpha Epsilon in the Tugs Championship on the east side of Huskie Stadium.

Phi Sigs crowned Tugs champs

By Northern Star Staff | April 28, 2014

Phi Sigma Kappa defeated Sigma Alpha Epsilon to take the Tugs Championship title Saturday outside Huskie Stadium.Sigma Alpha Mu beat Delta Chi to earn fifth place Saturday.Phi Kappa Theta won against Sigma Nu to go on and earn third place Saturday.The...

Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon to face off in Tugs Championship

By Northern Star Staff | April 25, 2014

Phi Sigma Kappa defeated Sigma Nu to advance to the Tugs Championship, where they will face Sigma Alpha Epsilon 4:30 p.m. Saturday.In the first match, Sigma Alpha Mu beat Phi Kappa Psi and in the second match, Delta Chi defeated Alpha Kappa Lambda Friday.All...

Members of Sigma Alpha Mu compete against Delta Chi and Phi Kappa Sigma Monday at the annual Tugs competition held adjacent to Huskie Stadium.

Day one of Tugs ends, three teams advance

By Rachel Scaman | April 22, 2013

Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu and Phi Kappa Theta ended the first day of Tugs with wins. The Tugs competition between the social fraternities began Monday in front of Huskie Stadium. Tugs is a weeklong tug-of-war competition between 10 fraternities. Each game...

Sigma Phi Epsilon looks to make comeback on campus

By Andrea Azzo | November 1, 2011

One of the largest fraternities is returning to NIU as a changed organization. Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep) is recruiting members and hopes to be housed by fall 2013, said Mike Fruchtman, New Chapter Development director. The fraternity had a chapter at...

SA Supreme Court sides with IFC over Delta Chi in dispute

By Felix Sarver | October 31, 2011

On Monday, the Student Association Supreme Court ruled the Interfraternity Council's actions toward Delta Chi were not unconstitutional. Justice Nick Battisti delivered the opinion of the court, noting the case required the Supreme Court to rule on the...

SA Senate votes down bill, recognizes Social Media Consultants

By Felix Sarver | October 23, 2011

Greek governing councils will not be able to judge if a Greek organization is eligible for permanent Student Association recognition. The SA Senate voted down a bill Sunday in which governing councils would be able to approve an organization's eligibility...

Members of Phi Sigma Kappa participate in the Spring 2010 Tugs event. A Monday night IFC meeting determined that IFC-recognized house teams cannot exceed more than 120 members and no more than two houses can form one tugs team.

Men’s tugs competition starts off this week

By Leah Spagnoli | April 25, 2011

DeKALB | NIU’s IFC Tugs tournament started off the week with big numbers Monday. IFC officers said between 500 and 600 people were in attendance for the first day of the event, more than have attended on the first day in past years. “Attendance was...

Kappa Sigma fraternity works to be recognized

By Leah Spagnoli | April 17, 2011

DeKALB | Starting a fraternity at NIU is considered a long and hectic process, not something that happens overnight. Chris Wiedmaier, freshman education major, has been working over the last semester to bring Kappa Sigma back to NIU Greek life. “I wanted...

IFC votes for changes, awards all sports trophies

By David Matz | November 8, 2010

DeKALB | The Interfraternity Council presented the 2009-10 All Sports Award at its Monday night meeting. Phi Sigma Kappa won first place in the IFC All Sports Challenge, a competition between Greek fraternities in intramural sports throughout the year....