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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Clifton Roy and Folkstringer say goodbye

By Jerene-Elise Nall | April 13, 2011

After over three years, roots musical group Clifton Roy and Folkstringer is calling it quits. Although the band may be saying goodbye, its members are leaving on a note of positive reflection about the music and memories they've created. Percussionist...

Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s invade Otto’s

By Jerene-Elise Nall | April 5, 2011

Indie group Margot & the Nuclear So and So's will headline Thursday night at Otto's, 118 E. Lincoln Highway. With their most recent release, Happy Hour at Sprigg's Volume 1: Live and Acoustic, Margot proves that it is ready to let its subtle maturation...

Beyond DeKalb is an equally entertaining city

By Jerene-Elise Nall | March 31, 2011

Ever wondered what’s beyond DeKalb on Route 23?Just over 10 minutes away and northeast of NIU sits the closest neighboring town, Sycamore. If you and your friends have access to a car, Sycamore’s downtown district is well worth the trip. The five...

Bonzo Terks explore ‘free/groove/exploder’ genre

By Jerene-Elise Nall | March 9, 2011

Every band strives for a unique sound, but few venture into the territory known as ‘experimental.' Bonzo Terks, however, have chosen to take that leap with a genre the group has dubbed ‘free/groove/exploder.' The Northern Star talked with Luc Parcell...

…and the Oscar goes to…?

February 23, 2011

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards are this Sunday. The DeKalb Scene staff is used to giving you its take on local entertainment, but here are some of our writers' predictions and hopes for how things go down on Hollywood’s biggest night. CONNOR RICE DeKALB...

Lucinda, a local pop punk band, just released their latest EP and is planning several shows on the road.

Local band ‘Lucinda’ hits the streets

By Jerene-Elise Nall | February 14, 2011

Lucinda-it's not just the name of your favorite traffic-jammed nightmare of an avenue. Driving on Lucinda Ave. might be a mess between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., but one local band has given the name a nice, new sound. The Northern Star sat down...

Best upcoming live music in DeKalb

By Tony Martin and Jerene-Elise Nall | January 17, 2011

It's official: Winter break is over. As the spring semester rears its ugly head, you may find yourself counting down the days until spring break begins. Instead, try counting down the days to the next big show. Here are our top picks to keep you sane...

Local ska band Danger Boy’s new album review

By Jerene-Elise Nall | December 5, 2010

  Rating: 4/5 Stars I've always liked ska -- 'liked' being the operative word. Saying that I ‘love' ska would be taking it too far, and the more I write about it, the less I like it. As with most broad musical genres, it has a tendency to become very...

Shocked or appalled?

By Jerene-Elise Nall | November 29, 2010

If artists were always considerate, conservative and calm, we'd be stuck forever hanging bland, faux-watercolor landscapes on our living room walls and listening to Michael Bublé . If artists were to censor themselves for the public's sake, we would...

Ska bands invade DeKalb over the weekend

By Jerene-Elise Nall | November 21, 2010

DeKALB | Chicago headliner Deals Gone Bad, along with local bands The Takeouts, Turbo Vamps!, and Danger Boy, proved Saturday night at the House Cafe that ska is not dead, it's only changed its suit and gotten a new tie. The Takeouts, a poppy ska ensemble,...

NIU alumnus returns to DeKalb with published poetry book

By Jerene-Elise Nall | November 11, 2010

DeKalb has yielded many great things, including writers. Gary McDowell, a 2003 graduate of NIU, will be reading in the Fellowship Hall at the First Congregational Church's, 615 N. First St. at 7:30 p.m on Saturday with fellow poet Chad Sweeney. Both authors...

Big Read gets ‘Wild’ at DeKalb Public Library

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 18, 2010

All this month, the DeKalb Public Library is participating in an event called The Big Read. "The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts that was developed because the National Endowment for the Arts commissioned a study that...