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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Female fans need self respect

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 18, 2010

Anyone who has attended a concert is familiar with the very specific way that some teen to twenty-something women act. They dress provocatively, drink heavily and flirt shamelessly with lead singers, guitarists, bassists and drummers. These scantily-clad...

K. Flay will open for Passion Pit at the NIU Convocation Center on Oct. 21. The indie hip-hop Chicago native K. Flay has performed and opened for many other acts in her young career as a musician.

Indie hip-hop Chicagoan to open for Passion Pit, shares thoughts on influences

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 17, 2010

The Campus Consciousness Tour, which aims to raise awareness throughout colleges nationwide about the importance of respecting the environment, is coming to NIU's Convocation Center on Oct. 21. While current buzz band Passion Pit will be headlining, the...

Album art of the latest Bust! release "Suck Kuts."

Area punk band nails it

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 11, 2010

Dying to listen to some punk rock? Of course you are! Like it local? With bands like Bust!, you'd be a fool not to. Bust!, the guitar and drums duo from Woodstock, just released Suck Kuts on Cassette Deck Records. Bust!, who recently released a split...

Lecture takes deeper look into Jack London

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 4, 2010

Lynne M. Thomas, curator of Founders Memorial Library's Rare Books and Special Collections, will be giving a talk titled "Jack London and his Fellow Radical Leaders" today. The lecture is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. in Holmes Student Centerin room...

Students perform, display art for AIDS benefit

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 30, 2010

For students interested in seeing a performance for a cause, the annual Art for Life AIDS benefit show will be going on Saturday here at NIU. "It's a student-choreographed dance that involves our students here. They created their own pieces and they will...

5 sites to take a click to

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 20, 2010

Most of us spend quite a bit of time on the Internet-- and by "the Internet," I mean Facebook. I know, it's so much more important to refresh your page over and over to make sure your ex hasn't posted any more snide status updates than it is to write...

Middlewest Fest will feature a number of diverse musicians to accommodate both the under and over 21 crowd Sept. 10 and 11 in downtown DeKalb.

Middlewest Fest features all-ages fun

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 9, 2010

I was thrilled to pieces when I heard about Middlewest Fest. William Elliott Whitmore? The Smoking Popes? Count me in, I said. I’ll even go see Lucky Boys Confusion, because, well, why not? They’re playing here in DeKalb. I have no reason not to.Unfortunately...

Area band wins big for Middlewest Fest

Area band wins big for Middlewest Fest

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 7, 2010

With the weekend fast approaching, fans aren't the only ones getting excited for Middlewest Fest. Eli, of Bartlett, won a Battle of the Bands at Mad Maggie's in Elgin for a slot in the festival, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to play at the Egyptian...

Smoking Popes bassist talks Middlewest Fest, new release

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 6, 2010

To find a fan of Chicago punk music who doesn’t appreciate Smoking Popes would be a challenging feat. Smoking Popes have been making music since before some of NIU’s freshman class was born, and, luckily for their fans, have no intention of quitting...

NIU Alum Shirley Johnson, of Maple Park, Ill., views a piece from the exhibit "The Autumn Leaves - A Century of Fall Fashion 1900-1999" Wednesday afternoon in the NIU Art Museum at Altgeld Hall.

Fashion does not fall short

By Jerene-Elise Nall | September 1, 2010

Autumn always leaves, but style stays around. "Autumn Leaves," an exhibit on fall fashions, will be running through Dec. 4 in the NIU Art Museum. The exhibit, according to museum director Jo Burke, uses "fashion as a metaphor" that explores "the connections...

Fruit Bats to play at Otto's

Fruit Bats to play at Otto’s

By Jerene-Elise Nall | August 26, 2010

DeKALB | The Fruit Bats, a folk-rock group currently based out of Chicago, will play at Otto's, 118 E. Lincoln Highway., this Saturday evening. Just who are the Fruit Bats? "The band is comprised of members of critically acclaimed bands The Shins and...