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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Courtesy of Max Pixel

3 ways to know if the tattoo is right for you

By Abby Wisecarver | July 17, 2018

Courtesy of Max Pixel

Demand companies sell safe jewelry

By Heather Klain | December 2, 2014

With the holiday shopping season upon us, everyone has the opportunity to make jewelry purchasing choices that support peace and development in one of the deadliest conflict zones in the world.Jewelry is a gift that carries a message of love. In the spirit...

Officer Dana Brisbon displays a replica skull at the NIU Police Auction on Saturday morning. The auction, which was held under the student bleachers of Huskie Stadium, auctioned off a variety of items, including bicycles, iPods, and purses. The proceeds were donated back to NIU.

NIU police sell lost and found items at annual auction

By Ian Gough | April 29, 2012

Crowds of NIU students and DeKalb residents braced themselves against the cold and rain for the NIU police department auction Saturday. The auction was from 9 a.m. to noon under the bleachers at the east gate of Huskie stadium. Potential bidders were...

Bon-Ton stores encourage customers to exchange clothing for coupons

By Leah Spagnoli | March 9, 2011

DeKALB | Local Bon-Ton stores are encouraging people to bring in clean, gently used clothing and textiles during their semi-annual Goodwill Sale. According to a press release issued by Bon-Ton, participating customers receive one coupon per donated item;...