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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Jim Luebke has earned respect that outweighs Acardo’s naive experience

By Letter to the editor | October 26, 2010

As a Marine Corps Veteran, I find John Acardo's constant remarks about being "on the front lines of public service delivery" naive. Apparently he does not have the life experience to understand what being on the "front lines" truly means to those who...

Election 2010: DeKalb County Clerk

By Amanda Podgorny | October 24, 2010

John Acardo Position: Hanover Township in Bartlett overseeing human resources and information technology Party affiliation: Republican Platform: Acardo plans to continue to provide open and honest government within the DeKalb County Clerk’s Office,...

John Acardo has my vote for county clerk

By Letter Writer | October 21, 2010

Elections are an opportunity for voters to have their voices heard by choosing the right person for each elected position. For the past five years, I have had the pleasure of knowing John Acardo, not only as a co-worker, but as a friend. The office of...

Candidates mingle with members of the public Thursday night during "Candidates Night" at the Egyptian Theatre hosted by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.

Egyptian Theatre hosts Candidate Night

By Taylor Thanos | September 28, 2010

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce’s Public Policy Committee sponsored Candidates Night on Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St. Candidates gave opening presentations, answered questions previously submitted and ended with...

DeKalb Chamber of Commerce hosts candidates night

By Northern Star Staff | September 28, 2010

The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce's Public Policy Committee will be hosting a candidates night tonight at 6 at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 North Second St. The event is expected to last until 9 p.m. The event will start with a meet and greet from 6 to 7 p.m....