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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Northern Star wins awards at ICPA convention

By Northern Star Staff | February 19, 2012

The Northern Star took home 16 individual awards and an honorable mention in general excellence Sunday at the Illinois College Press Association convention.Several current and former staff members won individual awards for their contributions to the paper....

Northern Star drops Friday issue

By Kim Skibinski and Editor in Chief | December 4, 2011

I don't mean to sound cliche, but I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news first: Starting next semester, the Northern Star will no longer publish on Fridays. Due to the bad economy and low reader traffic at the end of each week, cutting Friday...

An apology from the Northern Star Editorial Board

By The Editorial Board | October 5, 2011

To the NIU and DeKalb community: We would like to sincerely apologize for the cartoon published in Wednesday's edition of the Northern Star. The publication was a clear misjudgment on our part. Though the aim of a political cartoon is to provide its readers...

NIU Study Abroad Office: No NIU students are currently in Egypt

By Kim Skibinski | January 31, 2011

DeKALB | As protests in Egypt reach the one week mark, the Study Abroad office reported that no NIU students are in the country. Anne Seitzinger, Study Abroad office director, said if a country issues a travel warning, some students cannot study abroad...

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert comments on state budget issues

By Shaun Zinck | November 29, 2010

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was at NIU Monday, speaking to a political science class. After his presentation, Hastert spoke with the media and gave his opinion on the recent election night and issues facing the country. Hastert said, incoming...

Man killed after fleeing from police

By Kim Skibinski | August 31, 2010

PLANO | A Kendall County Sheriff's Deputy was involved in a shooting after a man fled from a hit-and-run Saturday. According to a press release, Bjorn S. Roland, 40, of Plano, fled on foot from the scene after being involved in an accident. While the...