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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone

Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone

By Godwin Thomas | April 16, 2018

  Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone Friend-zoning occurs when someone wants a romantic relationship, despite their friend wanting a platonic one, according to a 2014 study by Bowling Green State University.Its possible to escape the zoneGodwin ThomasThose...

Point/Counterpoint: Shooting prevention

By Mackenzie Meadows | February 26, 2018

Many Americans have strong opinions on school safety. On Feb. 23 President Donald Trump proposed we arm teachers to combat shootings.More armed security needed Mackenzie MeadowsPrincipals, deans and other office staff in every elementary, middle and...

Trump continues to terrorize the twitter community from his tower.

In Focus: Was Trump’s reaction to Puerto Rico’s disaster acceptable?

October 23, 2017

Trump continues to terrorize the twitter community from his tower.

Point/CounterPoint: Gun control

October 16, 2017

In 2017 alone, there have been 48,744 gun related incidents, including 282 mass shootings, resulting in 12,189 deaths. Though massacres have the power to shift opinions, the country is split on how to address gun control.Lucas SkyeWhen tasked with creating...

Fill in the Blank: The idea WWIII is on the way ________?

By Northern Star Staff | May 4, 2017

Recent missile tests conducted by North Korea have put the idea of World War III in the heads of many Americans. ... should concern people.Faith Mellenthin | ColumnistJust as the travel ban affected students at NIU, we should realize that the potential...

3 words to describe: Trump's presidency

3 words to describe: Trump’s presidency

By Associated Press | April 24, 2017

President Donald Trump poses for a portrait in the Oval Office in Washington, Friday, April 21, 2017. With his tweets and his bravado, Trump is putting his mark on the presidency in his first 100 days in office. He's flouted conventions of the institution by holding on to his business, hiring family members as advisers and refusing to release his tax returns. He's tested conventional political wisdom by eschewing travel, church, transparency, discipline, consistency and decorum. But the presidency is also having an impact on Trump, prompting him, at times, to play the role of traditional president. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Point/Counterpoint: Local crime and safety

By Perspective staff | April 13, 2017

Local crime is a concern at any university as parents want to feel their children are safe when studying away from home. NIU and DeKalb have made efforts to comfort this fear, but some could argue it is not enough.Crime prevention efforts need refocusMackenzie...

Three words to describe: Baker’s term

In Focus: How have the budget cuts affected you?

By Perspective Staff | April 10, 2017

President Baker sent out a Campus Update April 4 informing the NIU community of changes that need to be made because of the lack of state funding.Ian Tancun | ColumnistIllinois is in the midst of a two-year-long budget crisis stemming from lawmakers’...

Fill in the blank: The condom tax reduction bill is ____ .

By Perspective Staff | March 23, 2017

Illinois Sen. Toi Hutchinson introduced a bill that would lower the sales tax on condoms from 6.25 percent to 1 percent, according to the Illinois General Assembly website.Faith Mellenthin | Columnist... a step in the right direction.Condoms are being...

Tattoos can work at work

By MacKenzie Meadows | March 9, 2017

Tattoos are becoming more common in college-aged students and recent graduates, the next generation of the workforce, and because of that, this generation has the ability to change the way professionals view tattoos.As tattoos gain popularity, they are...

Taxing sugar-sweetened drinks may upset soda lovers. 

Point/Counterpoint: SWEET Act

By Perspective staff | February 23, 2017

Taxing sugar-sweetened drinks may upset soda lovers.