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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Letter to the editor: TAILS story should not wary those looking to adopt pets

October 25, 2011

In response to the article about pets from shelters, I would like to emphasize that one solitary adoption in no way represents adopting from an animal shelter as a whole. I adopted a dog from TAILS in DeKalb last September and, sure, he has gotten sick...

Sophomore business administration majors Michelle DiVita (left) and Nick Nudo (right) study at Founders Memorial Library Wednesday night.

Study space series: Library offers a quiet learning environment

By Nicholas Drammissi | March 2, 2011

Does your dog always eat your midterm study guide? Does your roommate talk incessantly? Looking for a place that makes you feel scholarly? Follow the Northern Star through its weekly installment of the best study places on the NIU campus and around DeKalb...