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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU President Doug Baker speaks to the 200-person crowd at the NIU town hall meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room.

Program prioritization town hall meeting lacks answers

By Kaylyn Zielinski | April 28, 2016

NIU President Doug Baker speaks to the 200-person crowd at the NIU town hall meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room.

Baker to hold town hall meeting on program prioritization

By Northern Star staff | April 26, 2016

NIU President Doug Baker will set the table for the release of the program prioritization results at a town hall meeting 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Holmes Student Center, Regency Room.The program prioritization results will be released Monday with one...

Survey on Baker Report now available

By Northern Star staff | March 7, 2016

Readers of the biweekly Baker Report are asked to complete a survey about what they think of the reports, according to an NIU announcement.The survey features questions on what readers like most and least about the reports, rating interest of topics and...

Foundation donates $1M in scholarships to NIU

By Julia Martinez | March 3, 2016

The Give Something Back Foundation donated $1 million in scholarship money to NIU to enroll 50 Pell Grant-eligible students, starting with 12 students in 2019.The Give Something Back Foundation awards scholarships to students of modest means and believes...

Lucinda Avenue to undergo $550K alignment

Lucinda Avenue to undergo $550K alignment

By Nick Bosshart | February 25, 2016

A Huskie Bus drives down the Lucinda Avenue extension, right by the Lucinda Avenue and Stadium Drive West intersection. The $4.5 million Lucinda Avenue extension will get a $550,000 repair to align the two streets amid safety concerns. Read more at

File folders sit in a filing cabinet. A proposal given at a Board of Trustees committee meeting would allow NIU President Doug Baker to appoint a FOIA officer and deputies who would gather information for FOIA requests. 

Proposal could speed up FOIA responses

By Keith Hernandez | November 16, 2015

File folders sit in a filing cabinet. A proposal given at a Board of Trustees committee meeting would allow NIU President Doug Baker to appoint a FOIA officer and deputies who would gather information for FOIA requests. 

Alumnus wants ‘chances’ for vets

By Rachel Scaman | November 12, 2015

People owe only one thing to a veteran, and it’s not a free dinner at Applebee’s, said NIU alumnus Rich Bennet. It’s a chance.Bennet, who spoke during NIU’s annual Veterans Day flagpole ceremony Wednesday outside Altgeld Hall, asked every person...

NIU President Doug Baker

NIU President Doug Baker

By Armani Thomas | November 5, 2015

NIU President Doug Baker discusses Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget cut proposal to NIU on Feb. 25 at University Council in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. Baker said the proposed budget cut of $29.3 million was “not OK,” but he looks forward to the legislative discussion on the budget this summer.

SA Senate approves environmental affairs position

By Alexander Chettiath | October 19, 2015

The Student Association Senate approved a new cabinet position, director of Environmental Affairs, with 29 of 30 senators voicing approval Sunday.The position was proposed by SA President Nathan Lupstein, after he introduced it to the senate in his executive...

The Lucinda Avenue extension sits partially constructed on an area of land where Douglas Hall used to stand. 

Lucinda Avenue extension nears completion

By Satta Kendor | October 15, 2015

NIU President Doug Baker’s plan for a 10-minute campus will soon be a couple blocks closer with the completion of the Lucinda Avenue extension.The project, intended to create a direct route to Stevenson Hall and the Convocation Center by extending Lucinda...

Cherilyn Murer, Board of Trustees member, talks about the importance of using art in the process of bettering campus life on March 27. 

Board of Trustees passes $389M interim budget

By Jackie Nevarez | September 21, 2015

The Board of Trustees has approved an interim $389 million budget for Fiscal Year 2016, due to the lack of an appropriation from the state.NIU President Doug Baker said it is an unusual situation that a budget has not been set at this time, as it usually...

NIU President Doug Baker (left); Allan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance; Eric Weldy, vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management; Admissions Director Dani Rollins; and Lisa Freeman, executive vice president and provost, discuss state funding, falling enrollment and program prioritization during a town hall meeting Sept. 2 in the Student Holmes Center, Carl Sandburg Auditorium. Baker said NIU will find alternatives for the State Employees Group Insurance Program who will have to pay out of pocket for medical claims.

Ill. to no longer pay insurance claims

By Keith Hernandez | September 17, 2015

An Illinois agency has announced it is no longer able pay for state employee insurance claims without a state budget, a decision that could leave nearly 150,000 people to pay out of pocket for health care costs.The Illinois Department of Central Management...