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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A locker room is divided down the middle with aging and broken lockers on one side and sparkling, new lockers on the other. The Rec Center’s new locker room renovations are a good start, but much more could be done. (Debbie Allen | Northern Star)

Editorial: Rec Center renovations good, but not enough

By Northern Star Editorial Board | February 11, 2024

The NIU Recreation Center renovations have finally addressed the locker rooms’ glaring issues, but there is still a lot more work to be done. From the dark stains on the carpet to ugly blue lockers that began rusting what looked like years ago, the...

Renovations to the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., were postponed two additional weeks following concerns regarding expansion into Palmer Court.  

Egyptian Theatre renovations see postponement to achieve compromise

By Kierra Frazier | February 28, 2019

Renovations to the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., were postponed two additional weeks following concerns regarding expansion into Palmer Court.



Above is a rendering of the Huskies Den after the proposed renovations have been completed. The renovation would include a staircase to the Black Hawk Cafe and a sports grill. 

Holmes Student Center Renovations move along with set timeline

By Kierra Frazier | November 4, 2018

Above is a rendering of the Huskies Den after the proposed renovations have been completed. The renovation would include a staircase to the Black Hawk Cafe and a sports grill. 

The Stevens Building hosted a grand reopening Oct. 12, but not all of the building’s facilities received the necessary repairs. 

Stevens Building in need of additional work despite renovations

By Sophia Mullowney | October 21, 2018

The Stevens Building hosted a grand reopening Oct. 12, but not all of the building’s facilities received the necessary repairs. 

Above is a rendering of the Huskies Den after the proposed renovations have been completed. The renovation would include a staircase to the Black Hawk Cafe and a sports grill. 

Alcohol in Huskies Den brings opportunities

By Northern Star Editorial Board | December 7, 2017

Above is a rendering of the Huskies Den after the proposed renovations have been completed. The renovation would include a staircase to the Black Hawk Cafe and a sports grill. 

Campus in need of repairs and funds

By James Krause | October 16, 2017

DeKALB — Hazardous tunneling systems, 50-year-old boilers and damaged building exteriors are among repairs NIU must make that require funding from the state, something for which officials have desperately been lobbying state lawmakers.The Illinois Board...

Wings may open soon for Stevens Building

By James Krause | October 2, 2017

DeKALB — The potential completion date for the Stevens building is set for the spring semester, though there is a new possibility for two wings of the building to be opened sooner.The redesign of the Stevens Building, located near Cole Hall in University...

Dining makes advantageous changes

By Maddie Steen | September 18, 2017

NIU Dining Services cut out guest passes and reduced Flex Dollars, but students need to take a look at the bigger picture to understand how these changes make sense in the long run.Guest passes no longer being offered to students means that friends are...

The proposed renovations to the Holmes Student Center are estimated to cost $20 million. 

University Council: Campus updates advance

By James Krause | September 14, 2017

The proposed renovations to the Holmes Student Center are estimated to cost $20 million. 

In Focus: Are Holmes Student Center renovations necessary?

By Perspective Staff | September 11, 2017

Faith MellenthinI think it could be a good change to campus, just badly timed.The renovation plans of the Holmes Student Center will provide a much needed space for all types of students to socialize. As a student who loves to stay on campus during the...

Neptune Residence Hall Central.

Neptune Hall receives renovations

By Morgan Fink | August 31, 2017

Neptune Residence Hall West and North received updates over the summer. Neptune Residence Hall East will receive the same updates during the fall semester. 

Park District Board to decide future for pool

Park District Board to decide future for pool

By Keisha Howerth | February 17, 2014

The Hopkins Park Pool may be renovated or replaced, among other options, and the DeKalb Park District Pool Consideration Committee will look into what options seems best at a meeting tonight.Per Faivre, DeKalb Park District Board vice president, said...