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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU ranks 74 for overall sex health

By Northern Star Staff | October 27, 2014

NIU has ranked 74th in Trojan’s ninth annual Sexual Health Report Card college rankings for the second consecutive year, according to an Oct. 20 Trojan news release.The widely criticized study, conducted by independent research firm Sperling’s BestPlaces,...

Pass/Fail: Iroquois stories to be shared, Trojan study not legitimate

By Danny Cozzi | November 12, 2013

Pass: Iroquois stories to be sharedMohawk storyteller Kay Olan will tell tradition Iroquois tales tonight, according to NIU Today.Olan’s stories will "explore the life of ancient and modern Native Americans" and "illuminate the tradition of storytelling...

NIU health administrators question legitimacy of sexual health study

November 16, 2011

NIU ranked 98 on the 2011 Edition Trojan Sexual Health Report Card out of 141 universities, a 39-spot drop from the 2010 study. Though this may appear a great drop from NIU's rank last year, some of the basic criteria of the study was not met. According...