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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Huskie Den in Holmes Student Center is reopening after being remodeled and shuttered due to COVID-19.

Activities for students to try while on campus

By Quade Evans, Opinion Columnist | January 27, 2022

Campus has reopened to students this week following the low COVID-19 positivity rates. For first-years and transfer students who still have to get used to NIU’s campus it can be challenging to step outside of your comfort zone and make connections....

NIU students and DeKalb residents are able to utilize fitness equipment at the Rec Center and other fitness centers on campus.

Gym memberships aren’t worth it

By Ally Formeller, News Reporter | January 26, 2022
Keeping your New Year’s resolution and staying fit doesn’t have to be expensive.

Summer makes it easy to stay in shape

July 14, 2011

Running sucks. It is the single most life-draining exercise you can do. You know you're working out when you're dripping in sweat, your face is bright red and your lungs are on fire. Personally, if I'm working out, I'd rather be doing something (anything)...