Star ad criticized by FS
December 2, 1991
As most of the campus headed home for Thanksgiving last Wednesday, the Faculty Senate conducted its monthly meeting during which several resolutions were passed.
One resolution the senate passed criticized The Northern Star for printing the now infamous “Holocaust ad.” While the resolution states the Star was well within its First Amendment rights to print the ad, it questioned the judgement the student editors used in deciding to print the ad.
The resolution, which was introduced by senate member Bill Monat, states that “The Northern Star engaged in a legitimate exercise of its First Amendment freedom.” But the resolution goes on to say the Star “was responsible for observing its own policies,” and “was responsible for determining whether the advertisement was genuinely heuristic … it is not clear The Northern Star either accepted or carried out its responsibilities.”
The resolution further criticized the newspaper for not investigating the accuracy of the ad.
The senate also discussed the matter of midyear salary offsets. The senate only partially agreed on an endorsement of NIU President John La Tourette’s plan.
The first part of the plan calls for an across-the-board increment to all faculty of $300 to $400. The senate endorsed this part of the plan.
However, debate was raised over the second part of the plan which calls for a percentage increase to faculty. The senate couldn’t decide if those faculty members who already have received some kind of raise this year should be included in the percentage increase. The matter was tabled to the next meeting.
In a matter left over from its previous meeting, the senate passed a resolution calling for the evaluation of the Regents Chancellor’s Office. The resolution stated “the Faculty Senate urges the Board (of Regents) to sponsor an impartial study of the role, operation and costs of the chancellor’s office by well-qualified individuals, including some individuals from outside the regency system.”