Tattoo parlor up for vote

By Jayna Ronayne

It seems the chance for a tattoo parlor is getting further and further away from DeKalb.

“Skin of a Different Color,” Craig Murphy’s tattoo parlor, was once located in DeKalb until the city passed an ordinance which banned tattooing.

After also operating in Rochelle, Murphy eventually moved his tattoo shop to 1572 DeKalb Ave. in Sycamore.

Tuesday, however, the Sycamore Planning Commission voted 4_3 to not allow the shop to open.

“I feel it was already planned,” Murphy said. “The mayor denied it right away, and there were no good questions asked.” Murphy also said that he had written a letter to the council which was read at the meeting, explaining how people were doing tattoos themselves, which is unsanitary and dangerous.

“Mayor Ramsey is obviously not concerned with the public’s health,” Murphy said. “He was worried about revenue because there’s no sales tax on tattoos. They could have made a tax for it, but I guess he’s not bright enough to figure that out.”

When asked if the shop would be voted down when it goes to the Sycamore City Council Dec. 16, 4th Ward Ald. Robert “Butch” Binder said it most likely would.

“In the years I’ve been here, the vote has only been changed by the city once,” Binder said.

If voted out of Sycamore, Murphy said he might move his business nearer to his home in Lombard.

As for his earlier lawsuit against DeKalb for not allowing his shop, Murphy isn’t going any further.

“Ed Diedrich (his lawyer) hasn’t called me and he’s never in his office. As far as I’m concerned, it’s over with,” Murphy said.