Bond fee remains fixed

By Sean Thomas

In a meeting the Student Association president characterized as “informative,” the president’s fee study committee decided to stick with the current Bond Revenue Fee.

James Harder, vice-president of Business and Operations, indicated “he was pleased that no increase be requested for the bond fee.”

“We have benefited from the fact that enrollments were slightly higher than projected and especially from the increased use of the Holmes Student Center by the student body,” Harder said.

SA President Robert McCormack wanted an explanation of a $2 million transfer of funds from the residence hall budget to the HSC budget.

NIU Controller Bob Albanese said the student center repair and replacement account was in debt at the end of fiscal year 1990. NIU had the option of transferring funds between university departments or borrowing externally.

NIU chose an internal loan because the action carried a cheaper interest rate. The residence hall account will be repaid with interest by June 30.

SA treasurer Mike Holy asked if the student center would need any future loans. Albanese said he did not think so.

Pat Hewitt, associate vice president for Finance and Planning, said she anticipates stable fee levels in the future due to consistent enrollment and efficient use of present facilities.

Preston Came, SA senate speaker, asked who set the financial transaction guidelines for the university. Harder said the guidelines were established in the 1970s by each school’s governing boards and a Legislative Audit Commission.