The power of a simple compliment is often undervalued. We hesitate, second-guess and let moments slip away where a simple word or two could have made someone’s day.
Most people know when spoken with sincerity, compliments can be transformative; they can stick with us for years, leaving an impression that goes far beyond that moment. So much so that it’s easily assumed everyone has a memory of a compliment tucked away in their brain that gives them a boost of confidence on a rough day.
Compliments could come from strangers that we’ve never met before.
Take for instance a scene in a locker room, a place where people can feel vulnerable and confront insecurities. A woman finishes her workout and turns to another passing by calling her a “muscle mommy” in a playful but positive way, expressing that she’s an inspiration.
At the gym where everyone is working toward a goal, a silly comment like this one can feel affirming and empowering to the person receiving it.
When this happens it’s not only another day at the gym for the recipient, it’s a day where her hard work and devotion have given another motivation. She’s become the ideal in someone’s world and that’s an awesome place to be.
To be admired, respected or appreciated by another person can make us feel less lonely and like we’re doing something right in this crazy chaotic world that often radiates a great deal of negativity.
And for the woman giving the compliment, she gets to experience the excitement of lifting someone up and making a positive connection in an environment where so many remain in their own bubbles.
In many situations, a few simple, kind words not only brighten someone else’s world, they can also boost your own sense of well-being.
In fact, giving compliments has been tied to improved mental and physical health. Research shows that the amount of positive as opposed to negative emotions people experience is a significant predictor of health. Having a positive mental state can reap benefits including lower blood pressure, reduced risk for heart disease and healthier weight and blood sugar levels.
So, the next time you admire something about someone, maybe it’s their style, strength, work ethic or their energy, don’t hold back. Say it.
That one moment of appreciation could mean more than you know. Because at the end of the day, genuine compliments are more than interactions, they are gifts of confidence, encouragement and human connection.