Funding request debated

By Sean Thomas

An NIU fee study committee questioned the funding and the role of the Student Health Advisory Committee Monday.

Monday’s 32 cents health service fee increase request included a 1 cent provision exclusively for SHAC. In the past, SHAC has worked on a piecemeal budget, making requests from the health service on a per need basis.

“I inquired whether the SA would be a more appropriate source of funding for a student organization,” said Geology Department Chairman Don Davidson, who spearheaded the questioning.

Rosemary Lane, director of the University Health Service, said because the health service is the sole recipient of SHAC input, it is a justifiable funding mechanism.

Lane said SHAC’s lobbying attempts for funding from the SA has been fruitless in the past and that she promised SHAC members she would make an exclusive request for a separate fund at Monday’s meeting.

SHAC acts as a liaison between students and the health service to discuss student health concerns and evaluate complaints.

“SHAC is essential. It provides a consumer group to evaluate college health services—it gives students input,” said Dana Mills, associate director of the University Health Service.