Professor offers proposal on War

By Michael McCulloh

An NIU professor offered a proposal Wednesday that the Faculty Senate condemn the war in the Persian Gulf and urge the United States to end the war as soon as possible.

Philosophy professor Sherman Stanage addressed members of the senate by stating that they should:

Condemn the circumstances which have led to the conditions of war in the Middle East.

To urge an end to the war as soon as possible and address circumstances which will lead to an end of the hostilities of war.

Direct the President of the University Faculty Senate to release the text of the resolution to the public.

Stanage’s resolution was tabled by the Senate. Sociology professor Robert Suchner felt that the University should encourage debate, and not take stands.

“We learned lessons from Vietnam, and one of the best things a university can do is offer debate. Passing a resolution wouldn’t offer debate,” Suchner said.

“I don’t think we’re at the point of resolving this issue. We should offer debate, not be cheerleaders” of one stand or the other, he said.

Following his resolution, Stanage said he believes the text of the resolution contains its own justifying argument, and that most of the text was drawn from relevant passages of the Constitution and bylaws of NIU.

He also said that the Faculty Senate should acknowledge that there is a major war in progress, and that it relates to what teachers do in the context of learning and teaching.

Students look to scholars and teachers as mentors and for moral guidance and wisdom, and therefore, the faculty members should remember they have a responsibility to deliver information to students, Stanage said.

“This resolution is offered as a means for us as faculty members to speak and discharge this more transcendent responsibility to young men and women who have chosen to study at this university,” he said.