Fee increase possible

By Sean Thomas

Student fees could rise next year if the NIU Athletic Fee Committee’s suggestions are taken.

A proposed hike of 27 cents per credit hour requested by the Athletic Fee Committee will be discussed when the President’s Fee Study Committee meets Jan. 30.

The committee also will discuss the 1992 Bond Revenue Fee, which didn’t request an increase.

In a memo adressed to the President’s Committee, Athletic Fee Committee chairperson Patricia Perkins itemized several increases in Athletic Fee expenditures.

The list includes a potential 5 percent tuition increase, an assessment made in light of a 12.8 percent increase in other fees including athletic health insurance, and an 8 percent increase in room and board rates.

The 1992 Bond Revenue Fee will remain unchanged, greatly due to the accurateness of long term projections made in previous years. The budgets prepared for FY92 made no provisions for salary increases because salary hikes can be made with existing funds, according to the memo.

“We feel we can accomodate any increases for utilities and salaries with present funds and cost-cutting,” said Pat Hewitt, associate vice-president for Business and Operations.

Hewitt expressed an eagerness to cut costs saying “We are shooting for two consecutive years without an increase.”