Lincoln Hall holds recycling contest

By Sean Thomas

A recycling contest held by Lincoln Hall Saturday was just one step in the direction of recycling awareness that resident Mary Heather Hannah hopes will lead to a well-traveled path.

Hannah, a third-year resident at Lincoln Hall, said the contest was an avenue to make students aware of the regular Satuday pickup. The floor that collected the most recyclable material won a recycling bin for the floor members’ personal use.

“I just want people to know how much garbage will accumulate if people don’t start taking action now,” Hannah said.

Hannah is a member of Geo-force, a Lincoln Hall environmental group that meets to discuss and act on contemporary environmental issues. “I’ve begun to try and organize a recycling campaign hallwide,” she said. Hannah explained that some residence halls have recycling programs, while others are less organized and need to be centrally built.

Currently, Hannah is working to promote legislation that would require all state supported universities to recycle at least 40 percent of their garbage. She said recycling legislation of this nature is being proposed to Congress right now, but approximate enactment of such legislation could appear as late as the year 2000.

“I would like to see them speed up the process,” she said.

Hannah added events such as a logo contest, environmental essays and a crusade for the ban of Coor’s beer sponsorship top her efforts for future environmental awareness.