Relocation efforts futile for historic Wirtz House

By Sean Thomas

The recent renovation of King Memorial Commons did not begin without heartfelt efforts to find a new location for the Wirtz House.

Formerly the home to NIU’s foreign studies and resources for women programs, the Wirtz House was considered a central landmark in the heart of the commons.

“The house was razed (torn down), but we made several efforts to try to find a suitable alternative to razing it,” said Patricia Perkins, assistant to the vice president of Finance and Planning.

Perkins listed the cost-effectiveness of demolishing the structure rather than relocating elsewhere on campus as a major factor in the decision.

“By the time we acquired a site, installed electricity, plumbing, zoning, and transported the house, we were talking figures well over $100,000,” Perkins said. “The cost to demolish the house fell into the $10,000 to $15,000 range.”

Perkins also said the house was put up for sale, but did not have any takers.

Ines Deromana, coordinator of the Foriegn Studies department, said the permanent relocation of its 27 separate programs to Williston Hall satisfactorily meets their needs to maintain a central location.

Currently the Foreign Studies program is located in Altgeld Hall.

Sharon Howard, director of University Resources for Women, concurred with Deromana about the satisfaction of the move. “The University has been very cooperative in helping us find a new location,” Howard said.

However, Howard was weary of the temporary facilities at Altgeld 116, adding everyone is eager to move to a permanent location at 105 Normal Road, an old house NIU purchased.

“It’s very sensitive to work in cramped conditions,” Howard said. However, Howard said, she thinks the commons “will be lovely.”

The new resources for women facility will offer many of the same services as before, primarily catering to adult women returning to college after an absence.

However, new services aimed at reaching younger women, providing meeting space for seminars and promoting a forum for academic improvement will also be added.

The Wirtz House became the center of controversy when NIU officials planned to demolish it to make way for commons renovations. It was torn down during the summer.