Legislator polls local opinions

By Rick Techman

DeKalb citizens’ opinions on aluminum recycling, fair taxes and abortion regulations show some direct feelings toward issues now facing the Illinois legislature, according to a survey taken by a DeKalb legislator.

The survey, taken by State Rep. John Countryman, R-DeKalb, showed that 51 percent of DeKalb citizens believe Illinois should spend more on education, even if it means a tax increase.

Also, “with the recent emphasis on Earth Day, it is amazing to see that 73 percent of those responding to the survey favor a deposit on cans and bottles,” Countryman said.

He said his constituent poll, taken six weeks ago, shows contrary feelings about certain issues to the lobbyists in Springfield.

Income tax was found to be the fairest tax by 52 percent of the residents responding, the survey reported.

However, the real estate tax was considered fair by only 4 percent of the respondents, according to the survey.

Sixty-one percent of respondents do not support laws that would restrict a woman’s ability to get an abortion, according to the survey.

But 74 percent think more should be done to encourage adoption as an alternative. It also was found that 51 percent do not favor government funding and 69 percent believe that parental consent should be required for minors.

Countryman said the poll gives him a feeling of what legislation his constituents want. “If the bills are in the proper form,” he said he will support them in Springfield.