Court crosses dividing line

The U.S. Supreme Court has dipped its hands in a constitutional mess.

The U.S. Constitution states there must be a separation between church and state, but recently the Court allowed states to forbid the use of peyote, a hallucinogenic plant, for religious ceremonies and any other religious practice that violates the law.

The First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of a religion without interference from federal or state government.

The Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution, not contradict it.

The decision sets a dangerous precedent. Many laws are based on past decisions and by ignoring the First Amendment, the Court has given free reign to ignore the amendment in the future.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who voted for allowing the states to prohibit religious ceremonies, admitted the ruling puts minority religions at a serious disadvantage, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Because of this particular decision, Native Americans, who use peyote for religious ceremonies, might be forced to relocate to other states to practice their religions.

Religious exceptions to every law could lead to “constitutionally required religious exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind,” Scalia said.

What is to stop the Court from discriminating against another religion based on its belief in using wine given to minors in ceremonies?