Greek candidates campaign for SA

By Michelle Isaacson

The Interfraternity Council announced its endorsement Sunday for John Fallon as Student Association president and Kathy Rosenberg for SA vice president.

Fallon and Rosenberg presented their campaigns at the council’s March 25 meeting. Rob McCormack, candidate for SA President and Tanya Smith, candidate for SA vice president presented their campaigns at Sunday’s meeting.

IFC President Rob Martin said, “We reviewed the candidates and John Fallon, in our eyes, has the best credentials of all of the candidates and seems like he’ll do the most for the students of the university and the greek community.”

The council voted 11 to 1 to endorse Fallon and Rosenberg.

Fallon said he was “very pleased that they are confident in my experience and my goals as SA president. I’m glad to receive their support.”

Martin said the IFC decided to endorse the candidates because the council “realized the greek community vote is an important vote. We want to make a statement because we’re a powerful organization.”

Fallon and Rosenberg being fellow greeks “plays an important role, but it’s not the only factor in our decision,” he said.

Martin said Fallon will bring “postive representation and help improve the Greek Row image and negative stereotypes. Our biggest concern is he’ll be a supporter of the IFC budget.”