Friends are the key to better memories

By Gina Quilici

My four years of college are almost up. I did my time, paid my dues and now I’m ready to be released. Reflecting back on everything that has happened I remember good times and bad times, and some times that were too horrible to even be considered bad.

I’ve watched a lot of things come and go including my grade point average, which over four years has gone up and down with the frequency of a roller coaster ride. Some events have faded into the background of my mind, and others, regardless of how long ago they happened, will never be forgotten. Most of these events revolve around friends.

While this is not my last column (I have one more) I felt the need to dedicate this space to those who made my college memories possible, and more than bearable. I never wanted to come to college in the first place. I practically kicked and screamed all the way here and, yes, I cried when my parents left.

When they called that night, I ranted and raved about how the window of my residence hall room gave me a view of a brick wall, my roommate was older than I was (by one year, big deal), and that my boyfriend was all the way on the other side of campus and I didn’t know anyone. Keep in mind this was my first day and the campus seemed about as huge as the whole state.

I was stuck, feeling horrible, lonely and terribly out of place. As luck would have it, my roommate was great, the people on my floor were great and I made many good friends, most of whom I still talk to today. After a couple of days, things didn’t seem so bad, thanks to my friends.

The following year my best friend from home came to NIU and we were roommates. She helped make all my problems that year (and believe me there were many) easier, and the fun times were much more fun. Work brought even more people into my life and my horizons were broadened even further.

I obviously wasn’t able to talk to everyone as frequently as I had in years past, but that never changed my feelings. True friends are always friends no matter what. Too many people get lost in the technicality that just because they don’t talk to someone often means they aren’t friends. My friends have always been near my heart, and if they never knew it before (although I hope they did) they know it now.

I guess I have so much to say that I’m losing sight of the whole point I’m trying to make. If I could leave everyone with one thought about college it would be to make as many friends as is humanly possible because your friends make your years here the cherished memories that they ought to be.

So, take the time to let your friends know how special they are. You may know it, but they aren’t mind readers. If they’ve been there for you, make sure you’re there for them. It’s a two-way street. Give ‘em a card, or a hug or buy them a drink or something. I’m officially dubbing this “Friend Day.” Because friends are the most important, valuable thing you’ll ever acquire in this all-too-short lifetime.

So, here’s to all of you, a list far too long to fit within this column, that I have the pleasure of calling my friends. I hope I have touched your lives as much as you all have touched mine. Thanks for everything. I may not talk to you every day, but you’ve made my days memorable, and for that I can never thank you enough. You’re simply the best!