Senators trip at starting line

OK gentlemen, welcome to the real world.

Deciding to try to impeach the leader of any group is a big decision, and should not be taken lightly no matter what the situation. But NIU has two newly-elected Student Association senators who either jumped into signing something they really did not understand or fell “victim” to peer pressure.

Senators Gavin Kemp and Steven Zarch removed their names from a petition to have SA President Huda Scheidelman impeached.

Although Kemp claimed senators Galvin Kennedy and James Mertes, who originated the peition, played on his gullability and did not clearly explain what the petition meant. That is no one’s fault but his own.

Everyone, especially student government senators, should know what an impeachment petition is. And no one should ever sign something they don’t understand—if common sense doesn’t tell a person this, their parents probably did at least once.

Kemp and Zarch’s signatures on the petition did not help bring things “out in the open,” as Zarch claims. Instead, their actions of signing and unsigning the petition damaged the credibility of the SA, especially the credibility of the senate.

Hopefully in the future, Kemp and Zarch will think before they act and then stand behind their decisions.

Not a good way to begin a senate term.